Does Eric Garcetti Deserve a Biden Administration Job? Depends Whom You Ask.
WHAT THEY’RE SAYING--In late September, six months into a global pandemic that had devastated his city, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti prayed.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate civic engagement and neighborhood empowerment, and to hold area government and its politicians accountable.
WHAT THEY’RE SAYING--In late September, six months into a global pandemic that had devastated his city, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti prayed.
MY TURN--If we truly wanted to deal with Covid-19 in an effective manner, designed to minimize and ultimately stop its continuing -yet avoidable- murderous effects on our species, we would have to look at all the historical and scientific factors.
VIEW FROM HERE--The Forward, a Jewish newspaper in NYC since 1897, published its November 17, 2020 article, Does Eric Garcetti Deserve a Biden Administration Job?
GUEST COMMENTARY--For two years now we have had a front row seat to a feud between the LA County Board of Supervisors and Sheriff Alex Villanueva over his alleged transparency and accountability.
GELFAND’S WORLD--President Elect Joe Biden asked for national healing even as he claimed victory as the newly elected president.
GUEST WORDS--I continue to believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential election. I also think that the vast majority of the 73 million Americans who voted for him believe the same thing.
EXPOSED--In a complaint filed Monday at the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office, we presented evidence that in violation of the California Brown Act and other potential laws,
@THE GUSS REPORT-The New York Times’ list of candidates for President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet excludes LA Mayor Eric Garcetti from the shortlist for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development given his worst in the nation homelessness with people living under and along freeways and their exit ramps, in vehicles, on sidewalks and in gutters from Boyle Heights to Venice Beach.
LEANING RIGHT--Four years ago, we saw the spectacle of so-called "elite" college students so distraught by Donald Trump's presidential victory over Hillary Clinton that puppies and cry-ins were brought in to comfort these young "adults", as reported by the Daily Beast.
PERSPECTIVE--Donald Trump taught America a great lesson. He showed that this nation has a huge number of racist, sexist, jingoist, gay-hating, Muslim-hating, Hispanic-hating bigots – those Hillary Clinton called a “basket of deplorables.”
VIEW FROM HERE--People tend to believe what they want to believe and few people want to believe facts which upset them.
GELFAND’S WORLD--The year 2020 certainly has given new meaning to the term "going viral."
PLANNING WATCH-My favorite punching bag, the Los Angeles Times (LAT) and its invariably inept stories about planning and zoning issues in Los Angeles, recently told its readers that LA’s City Hall has “A New approach to the homeless.”
EASTSIDER-It is no longer unusual to see the fifteen fiefdoms called City Council Districts magically vote 15-0 on virtually everything.
AMERICAN PROTEST-Despite pre-election plywood covering store fronts in cities across the United States, it was total fearmongering that far right militias, Black Lives Matter, or Antifa would initiate street violence during or after the November 3 presidential election.
LEANING RIGHT--To begin with, while the official state vote/tally counts are not yet resolved, and/or legally held valid by the Supreme Court, congratulations are in order for President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris presuming that the major media outlets' declarations are legally certified.
THE COST OF PROTECTING AND SERVING-Dear LAPD Chief Michel Moore: I commend you for having the courage to hear the outcries of We the People, to not be afraid to “Take a Knee,”
SOUTH OF THE 10--Attorney Royce K. Jones (photo above) and several members of his family, benefit from their personal relationship with Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr. Jones’ sister Sheila Jones is paid a six-figure salary, by Inglewood taxpayers, as “ITC Manager” and her daughter is the mayor’s goddaughter and occasional part-time employee in the city’s administration office.
RANTZ & RAVEZ-I was watching the national news on Saturday morning November 7 when it flashed across the TV screen that Joe Biden would become the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris would become the first women Vice President of our nation.
ANALYSIS -In its successful push to stop California’s Proposition 21, Big Real Estate shelled out a shocking $86.2 million to fund a statewide TV ad blitz that confused and tricked voters.
VIEW FROM HERE-Laboring under the misapprehension that America is a democracy, a majority of Americans believe that the majority rules.
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