Thu, Mar

Why Us? Why Now? The Lessons of Covid-19!

MY TURN--If we truly wanted to deal with Covid-19 in an effective manner, designed to minimize and ultimately stop its continuing -yet avoidable- murderous effects on our species, we would have to look at all the historical and scientific  factors.

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Politics: Love vs. Hate

GUEST WORDS--I continue to believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential election. I also think that the vast majority of the 73 million Americans who voted for him believe the same thing.

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Eric Garcetti’s Baggage is Perilous for Joe Biden

@THE GUSS REPORT-The New York Times’ list of candidates for President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet excludes LA Mayor Eric Garcetti from the shortlist for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development given his worst in the nation homelessness with people living under and along freeways and their exit ramps, in vehicles, on sidewalks and in gutters from Boyle Heights to Venice Beach. 

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Where Will the Deplorables Go Now?

PERSPECTIVE--Donald Trump taught America a great lesson. He showed that this nation has a huge number of racist, sexist, jingoist, gay-hating, Muslim-hating, Hispanic-hating bigots – those Hillary Clinton called a “basket of deplorables.”

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Eye on Mayor Butts: Inglewood Attorney Turns a Blind Eye to the Law

SOUTH OF THE 10--Attorney Royce K. Jones (photo above) and several members of his family, benefit from their personal relationship with Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr.  Jones’ sister Sheila Jones is paid a six-figure salary, by Inglewood taxpayers, as “ITC Manager” and her daughter is the mayor’s goddaughter and occasional part-time employee in the city’s administration office. 

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The Election is Over: What Lies Ahead for LA?

RANTZ & RAVEZ-I was watching the national news on Saturday morning November 7 when it flashed across the TV screen that Joe Biden would become the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris would become the first women Vice President of our nation.

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