Thu, Mar

"Lost" Angeles---The Exhausted Majority Speaks--Its Time To Take The City Back!!


MY THOTS - It's been an awful week for our city--there are no adequate words--and my sympathy goes out to those who have suffered and are continuing to suffer--and its not over yet-----sadly so many words in my prior emails have come true---the magnitude of the incompetence of our city leaders is incomprehensible.....and clearly visible through the smoke and destruction for everyone to see-- 

Keep an eye on Kathryn Barger---she is head and shoulders above her colleagues----and has the ability to rise to the occasion---on the other side is Lindsay Horvath--maybe some high school needs another cheerleader--I will even buy the pom poms--she has championed the homeless over the needs of her constituency--Billions wasted on her watch--in her case--a mind is a terrible thing to use--next election we will work to see one and done!! 

Full disclosure--I signed the Petition to recall the Mayor--a job she have never should have had in the first place and I initially gave her the benefit of the doubt--legislative skills are not executive skills---private industry knows better than to put their financial people in charge of marketing--and because they play football, centers don't become quarterbacks--but sadly that common sense is missing in politics----someone actually told me before the last election that we needed a woman mayor---my only question was--don't qualifications count? obviously that was not a prerequisite-- we have vast numbers of capable tough, talented women executives in America---but why is gender a qualification for a position you are unsuited for!!! and guess who paid the price for that "logic"...and DEI--while once a good idea --now stands for dumb, embarrassing and idiotic---if your not qualified, you don't get the job-its that simple--its enough with politically correct--lets try something different--like being capable and knowledgable. 

Watching the Mayor acting  like a deer in the headlights unable to answer any questions from the reporter when she got off the plane from Ghana----was a perfect example of why she is unsuited for this job---wasn't time to have someone writing answers for her--and she's clearly not intuitive because she has no background or skills for the position she's been erroneously elected to--to be clear--I think she's a lovely human being but totally unsuited for the position she holds. She cut the budget of the fire department because its only a line item in a budget--with zero understanding of the consequences--and her excuses are nonsensical--LA has always been a disaster waiting to happen---good for the Fire Chief for standing up--and we will need to support her in the future.  Another example of her lack of ability is Metro---she has 4 seats--she hasn't appointed one person to those positions who had any experience or knowledge of that agency---its not their fault they don't know the questions to ask---and its clear that the Mayor is protecting Stephanie--Metro's CEO--otherwise there is no valid reason for her to be there----she is clearly incompetent--my hope is that her personal photographer that we are all paying for--take her last  picture of Stephanie walking out the door--with the rest of her losers leaving with her. 

Lastly--and I will write more later- I think of the billions that have been squandered on the homeless--and pennies that have been spent on infrastructure---it should have been the other way around---never mind inside safe--I prefer outside and gone!!---we defunded the wrong group--I'm all for Defunding the Homeless and using those funds to rebuild the city--everyone on the street gets a plane or bus ticket to the destination of their choice---politically correct is over if we want our city and our sidewalks back----you cannot put 32 ounces of water in a ten ounce glass--that's where we are as a city--not to mention LA is broke because no new business will come here--we need political leaders who can accomplish that---I know the next line will infuriate many people--so be it--I am more concerned with protecting the people who live here--our citizens who pay taxes, send their kids to schools, and came here for the quality of life our city used to have. Its time to protect our citizens and worry a lot less about those that are here illegally--to be clear, I did not vote for you know who---but one needs to order their priorities--and the priority is for the citizens of our city.

(Fredric D. Rosen is a retired Businessman who has served on multiple corporate (both public and private) and charitable boards. He was Ticketmaster's CEO for 16 years and was responsible for making it the leading ticket company in the world.)