Tue, Mar

A SoCal Christmas Carol



Hark, the horrid angels sing:

Heil to America’s ostensible King.

While there’s no peace on earth, and no mercy mild,

And no City budget reconciled.

Oh, Budget Advocates, again arise.

And blast the City Council’s lies.

With Controller Meija continue to proclaim

L.A.’s finances are off the rails again.


Good Queen Bass, once by all adored,

By many firms and folk is now abhored.

Keeps smiling on but can’t keep promises to all;

Financial conundrums presage a fall.

From Council Chambers flows nothing righteous.

Angelenos reap no justice.

Behind closed doors at City Hall

Lobbyists hold too many in thrall.


Developers get massive tax breaks

While the economy shivers and quakes.

Neighborhood Councils duly enrolled

To bring City Hall under control

Have themselves been neutered

Undermined by DONE, and inadequately accoutered.

Can communities again rise up in arms

Against our nefarious Councilmembers’ charms?


All angry Angelenos, arise

Swamp phonelines and in-boxes with your cries.

Demand broad-reaching accountability

Topped off with total transparency.

The City can’t continue to defer its debt;

To save the economy, yes it’s going to hurt

But if we don’t confront these crises now

Los Angeles’ infrastructure will go ka-pow.


Mayor Bass and City Hall, do please listen.

Grant us fiscal justice, or risk perdition.

Restore people’s faith to where the outcome is

A future full of hope and promise.

To ensure for all true equity

Leadership must act with alacrity,

Embrace Charter change to be more democratic,

Stop departments being so bureaucratic.


Welcome Jack Humphreville to advise the Council.

Not taking his suggestions will put us all in peril.

Double down on vigorous and virtuous action

Till healthy budgets form a chain reaction.

So, instead of a day of reckoning,

Your praises joyful Angelenos will sing.

Hark, across the City this carol rings

Praise to all who our salvation brings!


(Liz Amsden resides in Vermont and is a regular contributor to CityWatch on issues that she is passionate about.  She can be reached at [email protected].)