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Will Georgia Save the GOP?


VIEW FROM HERE--The mentally ill Donald Trump labors under the delusion that he won the November 3rd election. 

A delusion is an idiosyncratic belief which is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality, typically a symptom of mental disorder. Delusions are sincerely held beliefs and the deranged person will invent reasons that his belief is true.  

Donald Trump has developed a panoply of explanations that the vote totals are false.  In this respect, Donald Trump, David Koresh and Rev. Jim Jones are similar. They all develop an elaborate mythology to support their core belief that they are the Chosen One.  

They are all paranoid in their conviction that others are out to get them. Trump and his follower believe in the Deep State.  Paranoia, however, leads to dangerous behavior which can bring destruction upon themselves and their followers.  The Rev. Jim Jones murdered followers by forcing them to drink his Kool Aid, while hundreds drank it voluntarily knowing that it was poison.  Shared delusions can quickly turn homicidal. 

Trump Sees the Georgia Senate Races as his Personal Vindication 

On Saturday, December 5, 2020 when Trump spoke at the Valdosta, GA rally for the two GOP candidates in the upcoming Georgia Senate race, he framed their election about himself. (Duh!  For Histrionics, everything is always about them.)  The two senate races are to be a verification that he had won the general election two months earlier.  “They cheated and rigged our presidential election, but we’ll still win,” Mr. Trump said. 

A GOP Win in Georgia will Kill the GOP Nationally 

Leaving aside whatever violently reckless behavior may follow the Georgia Senate races, if the GOP wins, then Trump will have control of the GOP similar to the way that Hitler and Mussolini had control of their fascist parties in the lead up to WW II.  Assuming Trump does not seize power before January 20, 2021, Trump himself will be the personification of GOP party after January 20 and the purges will increase.  Non-Trumpists will become persona non grata.  Either Trump Sr or Don Jr will be the Presidential candidate in 2024 and no non-Trumpist will have any say in anything.  Criminality will flow like wine at a Roman orgy. 

Nothing Fails Like Failure 

If Georgians reject the two GOP candidates, that will be rejecting Trump. Other GOP will realize that Trump has become electoral cyanide.  No one should more fervently desire the defeat of the two GOP Senate candidates than the GOP leadership as loss of the Senate is the only way to save the Party from Trump. 

On the Other Hand, Pelosi! 

We cannot blind ourselves to the horror of Dems’ winning the two Georgia Senate seats.  Although Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, she will interpret a Dem Senate win as her vindication.  Pelosi’s racist Identity Politics has brought us a divided nation lurching towards another civil war.  Joe Biden momentarily negated Pelosi’s anti-white agenda by his use of “Your Family” and during the transition by his appointments based on merit as opposed to some color-coded chart for a national patronage system. 

The Threat to Biden’s Governance Comes From the Extremes 

When one party controls the Presidency and Congress, it seeks to freeze out the other party which means the President must cater to his party’s extremist element.  During and after WW II, America was prosperous because both parties were centrist with one a little to the right and the other a little to the left.  When a Joe McCarthy arose, he was shoved aside.  Donald Trump makes Sen. Joe McCarthy look like Mr. Nice Guy.  The GOPs are too fearful to oppose Trump not only due to Trump’s vindictiveness but also because the alternative is not a decent central government but Pelosism. 

The Best Thing Pelosi Can Do for the Country Is Resign Now 

If Pelosi resigned her Speakership, then Georgians might feel safe to elect two Dem Senators.   Handing Pelosi de facto control of Congress – even to save the GOP Party from Trump – may be a too foul tasting medicine. (Besides, voters do not think strategically.) 

The Worse Idea in American History – Two Political Parties with Divergent Agendas 

The Founding Father expressly created our Republic to retard the accumulation of power.  Factions were a threat to a nation based on individual inalienable rights since the first objective of any power group is to eviscerate the rights of others.  July 2, 2018, The New Yorker Magazine, The Rise of McPolitics, by Yascha Mounk 

Setting aside the kindergarten concept of a virtuous citizenry, a legitimate government does not derive from men of wisdom and integrity but rather it requires the balancing of one unscrupulous power against another unscrupulous power.  Lord Acton explained why reality functions in this fashion. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  Once a politician gains power, that power will influence that person towards corruption. 

For America, the best place to limit power is within the political party itself. That is why two parties deeply separated by opposing ideologies will eventually result in civil war. Political beliefs are no less irrational and dogmatic than Church doctrine and the only way for America to prevent one extreme from trying to eradicate the other is for each political party itself be forced to be more or less centrist.  Instead, America has two parties which are increasingly based on ideological purity. 

The passion for purity is the embodiment of “Extremism in the Pursuit of Virtue Is No Vice.” That philosophy leads to gas chambers and crematoriums. Allowing a paranoid mental defective to remain the head of the GOP party is not only a sign of moral cowardice but also the result of a two-party system where the two political parties’ centers do not significantly overlap.


(Richard Lee Abrams is an attorney and a community relations consultant.  His views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch, He can be reached at: [email protected].)
