Fri, Feb

R&R Election Special: Voter Advice from a Voice That’s Been There, Done That


RANTZ & RAVEZ--Are you tired of watching and listening to the constant bombardment of political TV and Radio commercials urging you to vote Yes on this and No on that for the November 3, 2020 National Election?

21 Million Ballots are going out to California voters.  Talk about the trees that had to be cut down for all the paper.  What are you to do when you don’t know Who or What to Vote for?  You can turn to someone you can trust to give you a straight answer without all the conflicting messages.  You can turn to RantZ and RaveZ.  

The Honest suggestions that are not paid for or authorized by anyone other than Mr. RantZ and RaveZ himself.  A person that can’t be bought like some elected officials that were in political office and are now in jail or headed there.  Over 50 years of continuing service as a sworn member of the LAPD, and a 12-year former elected member of the Los Angeles City Council.  Just the facts and some opinion here and there to keep you on your toes.   The recommendations are my own after research.  You may have a different perspective.  I respect your opinion and appreciate the fact that you are taking the time to examine the candidates and propositions before you vote.  If you have already voted, Thank You for participating in this most important national election.

People have contacted me and asked my opinion on Who and What to Vote for in the November 3rd  Election.  There are the Candidates, Ballot Propositions and Judicial offices all listed for your review.   Since I am a registered No Party Preference (NPP) voter, I can give you an honest opinion regardless of political affiliation.  Since California is a Democratic Blue State, some vote the political party (D) or (R) while others select the person or issue and how they or it will impact their wallet, family, business,  employment or even lives. 

I have researched the candidates and issues and how each person or measure will impact you, your family and life for the next 4 years.

I reviewed the recommendations in local publications.  I can honestly say that if you support Law and Order you will find my recommendations in line with your concerns.  Your vote is important so please take the time to vote. 

  1. President and Vice President of the United States of America…There are 6 teams (President and Vice President) listed from the Peace and Freedom, American Independent, Green, Libertarian, Democratic and Republican Party.  The elected team will guide America for the next 4 years.  With all the controversy surrounding the Democratic and Republican candidates, I am going to leave this vote up to you to decide.  I believe most voters have a good idea who they want for this most important national political office. 
  1. Los Angeles Unified School District Member of the Board of Education,

District 3.  Marilyn Koziatek

District 7.  Tanya Ortiz Franklin 

  1. Los Angeles Community College District Member of the Board of Trustees,

Seat 1.  Marjorie Shaw

Seat 3.  Lydia Gutierrez

Seat 5.  Scott Svonkin

Seat 7.  Mike Fong 

  1. State Senator:

21st.  District.  Scott Wilk

27th District.  Henry Stern 

  1. State Assembly: 36th District. Tom Lackey

45th District.  Jesse Gabriel

48th District.  Suzette Valladare 

  1. United States Representative (Congress)

25th District.  Mike Garcia

30th District.  Brad Sherman 

  1. District Attorney for Los Angeles County. Jackie Lacey.

Personal Comment….The opponent is funded and supported by George Soros who does not foster Law and Order. 

  1. Judge of the Superior Court. Office 72.  Steve Morgan

Office 80.  Klint James McKay.  

Office 162.  Scott Andrew Yang. 

  1. County Measure J. (NO)  Community Investment and Alternatives to Incarceration Minimum County Budget Allocation.

Part of the Defund Law Enforcement Movement. 

  1. Measure RR. (NO). Los Angeles Unified School District.  $7 Billion Dollar School upgrade and safety measure.  Will run until 2055. 
  1. The Following are State of California Measures that will impact the entire State. 

State Measure 14.  (NO)  $5.5 Billion in bonds for Stem Cell Research.  Will run for possibly the next 30 years.

State Measure 15.  (NO)  Increases property tax on commercial and industrial property.  This is the beginning of increased property tax for commercial property.  Is residential next?

State Measure 16.  (Yes)  Allows Diversity as a factor in public employment, education, and contracting decisions.

State Measure 17.  (Yes) Restores right to vote after completion of prison term.

State Measure 18.  (Yes) Amends California constitution to permit 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if they will turn 18 by the next general election.

State Measure 19.  (Yes) Changes certain property tax rules.

State Measure 20.  (Yes) Restricts parole for certain offenses currently considered to be Non-Violent.  Authorizes Felony sentences for certain offenses currently treated only as Misdemeanors.

State Measure 21.  (Yes)  Expands Local Governments’ authority to enact rent control on residential property.

State Measure 22.  (Yes)  Exempts App-Based Transportation and delivery companies from providing employee benefits to certain drivers.

State Measure 23.  (NO)  Establishes state requirements for kidney dialysis clinics.  Requires on-site medical professional. 

State Measure 24.  (NO)  Permits consumers to prevent businesses from sharing personal information, correct inaccurate personal info and limit businesses use of sensitive personal Information.  Creates another state agency.  More Government with additional costs to consumers.

State Measure 25.  (NO). Replaces Money Bail with system based on public safety and flight risk.  A very bad idea with crime on the rise. 

Kiyomi Kowalski……for Las Virgenes Unified School District Board. 

I interviewed one school board candidate that impressed me with her passion for Family, Education and Community.  She is a former United States Marine, Wife, Mother and Advocate for children.  She is running for the Las Virgenes Unified School District Board  (LVUSD).  Her name is Kiyomi Kowalski.  Kiyomi holds a J.D. and is a board member of Law Project L.A.  An organization that serves as an advocacy for youth in court.  Information can be obtained at Law Project LA. Org.  Kiyomi Kowalski has earned the endorsement of elected officials serving in various offices.  I have endorsed her for the Las Virgenes School Board.


(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.)


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