Thu, Mar

Skid Row Slated for 3 Prop HHH Permanent Supportive Housing Bond Projects


HOUSING POLITICS-Two of three HHH Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects in Skid Row have estimated completion dates for the fall of this year, while the third project is specified for completion in the winter of 2021.

The permanent supportive and affordable housing units are for individuals experiencing homelessness including the chronic homeless and those with special needs. These projects were part of the first round of the Prop HHH Bond issuance of fiscal year 2017-18. 

Roughly, two years have passed since the three PSH Developments broke ground in 2018, and according to HCIDLA, HHH Projects in Construction, 9/8/20 Update, Six Four Nine Lofts at 649 S. Wall St. is 98% complete; FLOR 401 Lofts at 401 East 7th St. is 93% complete; and, SP7 Apartments at the corner of 519 E 7th St. and 647 S. San Pedro St. is 55% complete. 

The three residential developments are located in Council District 14 and are sponsored by the Skid Row Housing Trust, a California non-profit corporation. They front East 7th Street and together will provide 251 units within two blocks from each other. The projects will provide the following onsite amenities: Supportive services and parking, community kitchen and laundry facilities, an outdoor courtyard and community garden. Moreover, a two-bedroom unit will be reserved for a manager at each site. 

Proposition HHH PSH Program Bond applicants are required to demonstrate having other permanent funding sources secured, besides the proposed HHH bond portion requested of them as well as demonstrate the readiness to start construction within the given time. In fiscal year 2017-18, the three projects complied. 

Six-Four-Nine-Lofts (photo above, left) received $5.5 million from the Proposition HHH PSH Loan Program. Other funding sources, to mention a few, were: $3.8 million from Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) under Proposition 1, (the 2018 CA measure authorizing bonds for specified housing assistance programs); and $3.2 million from Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC), by the greenhouse gas reduction fund, Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds. The total development cost of project is noted to be $26.4 million. 

In addition, Six-Four-Nine-Lofts will provide 54 studios: 27 PSH and 27 affordable (non-PSH) units. Co-located will be the Joshua House Health Clinic, sponsored by the LA Christian Health Centers that was awarded $3.7 million from the HHH Facilities Loan Program. According to LAPL.org, the clinic is presently operating in downtown Los Angeles with success in providing counseling, supportive services including health and substance abuse services. 

Similarly, Flor-401-Lofts (photo above, right) received $10.7 million from the HHH PSH Loan Program, plus an additional award of $1.2 million from the HHH Non-PSH Loan Program. Other funding sources, to mention a few were: $5.7 million from HCD-Veterans Homeless Housing Program; and, $2.0 million from Affordable Housing Program (AHP), from the Federal Home Loan Banks or similar banks that support low-income housing developments. The total development cost of project is noted to be $39.3 million. Flor-401-Lofts will provide a total of 99 units, 49 PSH studio units and 49 affordable (non-PSH) studios. 

Lastly, SP7 Apartments (photo left) received $12.0 million from the Prop HHH PSH Loan Program; other funding sources to mention a few were: $3.3 million from HCIDLA -- Housing Opportunities to Persons with Aids (HOPWA), federal housing program established by the Aids Housing Opportunity Act; and, $2.0 million from LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH). The total cost of project is noted to be $35.0 million dollars. SP Apartments will provide a total of 99 units, 55 PSH and 44 affordable (Non-PSH) units 

The three projects’ permanent funding sources include 4 percent low-income housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) which amount to approximately a few million dollars below 1/3 of the individual total development costs.  

Note: Data and dollar amounts in this article were taken from the HCIDLA’s Recommended Projects for FY 2017-18, Staff Reports Attachment 2 (Item 4).


(Connie Acosta is an independent writer and a member of the City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council System.) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.