Mon, Mar

Americans Favor Division over Unity and Falsehoods over Reality


ONE MAN’S OPINION--People behave in their own characteristic fashion when they confront new situations; that’s how our neurology is constructed. 

Certain thought patterns are learned at the youngest age just as language is learned.  Americans born into English-only speaking households do not grow up speaking French.  People whose families always see life in a dichotomous fashion of Either -Or use that framework as they deal with the problems of daily life. 

Americans do not realize that their basic world view is Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Us vs Them. It derives from their Faith that what they believe is more important than facts.  Without recognizing it, millions of Americans, especially on the American right wing, find FAITH Trumps REALITY.  Even in secular life, they adopt this religious world view that Faith is paramount and that the way to prove that you are GOD’s chosen is that you reject facts and accept what your leader says.  One example is the Heaven’s Gate cult in San Diego, California which committed suicide to hitch a ride on a spaceship hidden in the tail of Halley’s Comet.  We see this same thinking repeatedly in America.  Another example is Donald Trump’s idiotic claims that American has a “handle on the virus” and it will magically disappear at the same time the virus is showing its greatest increases.  They believe because faith trumps fact. 

Trumpists wildly cheer while standing shoulder to shoulder without wearing masks because Trump tells them that they are good and pure and everyone else is evil and pollutes America.  These Trumpists are doing what they have always done – having faith in their leader and they show their faith by denying reality.  For weeks before the rally at Mt. Rushmore, it was an established fact that lack of social distancing and not wearing masks spread the virus much faster. 

Why did the Trumpists reject the established fact that social distancing and masks retard the spread of the virus?  Because Trump had relied on American’s love of division over unity.  Trump could have accepted the science and been the cheerleader for unity.  That would not have benefitted him politically. His base does not want to hear that facts matter.  Nor, do they want to hear that Black Lives Matter. They do not want to unite with Blacks and Jews.  They want to scapegoat others for their problems and that can happen only in an America Divided.  Unlike Abraham Lincoln, Trumpists do not believe that “in 1787, one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was to form a more perfect Union.” (March 4, 1861 First Inaugural Address)   

The Democrats likewise to do not want “a more perfect Union;” they too seek to divide Americans.  They accept the dichotomy that Dems are good and the GOP are bad.  The Dems have chosen good American groups and have rejected bad Americans.  The good ones are the minorities and the bad ones are White.  Neither the GOP nor the Dems have any use for everyone’s inalienable rights including life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  Instead, GOP and Dems support their groups. 

While Nancy Pelosi and most Dems rail against the White Supremacists, they also support California’s policy to discriminate against Jews who “refuse Jesus Christ” based on a bizarre interpretation of Art VI Sec 10 of the Cal. Const.  (It seems that Pelosi figures that anti-Semitism will cement the left-wing voters for the November 2020 election.) 

We fail to recognize that our dichotomous approach to life is a learned pattern of behavior.  There are millions of people who see life as far more complex and who not believe that a person’s innate quality has been determined at birth.  Martin Luther King has become a stranger in America even when his message is being renewed by Black Lives Matter -- judge a person by his/her own character. 

The psychological underpinning of Black Lives Matter is that everyone has inalienable rights and society may not assign any individual to an arbitrary group and then deprive that person of their inalienable rights, e.g. by murdering them.  Race is an absurd artificial construct. Likewise, for LGBQXRSTY - a group so diverse as to defy a coherent name.  Whites are not a group. 

A society which is indoctrinated at the earliest ages that all life is divided into Good vs Evil, White vs Black, Straight vs Gay, Saved vs Damned believes that these inane divisions mean something.  They may mean something to the ilk of California Supreme Court Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye who believes that judges have a constitutional right under Art VI Sec 10 to discriminate against Jews.  Likewise, David Duke thinks that these categories are legitimate.  Hillary Clinton coined the name for a new group to hate: “The Deplorables.”  The Moron in Chief stirs up fears against anchor babies ignoring that his own off-spring are anchor babies. Division trumps rational thought. 

No Wonder the Rest of the World Is Watching America Aghast 

They see the most bizarre debate about whether to wear masks, knowing that failure to unite and have everyone wear masks and practice social distancing means more disease and death.  To the world, it defies comprehension that at the same time there is ironclad proof that the virus is spreading uncontrolled due to Americans’ failure to wear masks and practice social distancing, the President holds massive rallies without masks or social distancing.  

Trump and Pelosi Agree – Division and Hate Bring out Voters 

After we have a national election which will be based primarily on hatred of other Americans, a post election civil war will become extremely likely.  Haters are purists and they cannot reconcile their self-image of holiness with their cooperation with the impure.  Just as California’s courts pursue their predatory anti-Jewish policy, Pelosi Dems will push Identity Politics with its anti-Semitism, and GOP’s allies among the White Supremacists will likewise promote White Victimization while blaming the Jews.  The only thing on which the Right Wing and the Left Wing agree is that Jews are bad, ignoring that Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” (John 8:7)


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
