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Letter from Concerned City Employees to Mayor Garcetti and City Council


SIGN THE LETTER-We, the undersigned members of the Los Angeles City Family, are informed by a wide variety of life experiences and serve in City government in a multitude of ways.

We work and live on Indigenous land not given freely. For many of us, our personal histories and identities as Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC) and LGBTQIA+ people are inseparable from our sense of professional duty. We choose to honor these histories as we fight to reverse institutionalized racism and work towards an equitable city.

There is one dominant issue that demands our immediate attention and action — the ongoing brutalization of Black people at the hands of law enforcement, and the nationwide uprising to demand justice, accountability, and the reallocation of funds to provide community-driven solutions to safety. This story did not begin with the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd in other U.S. cities, but we are moved by how the injustices inflicted upon these three individuals have entered the national consciousness and sparked a movement for change.

In Los Angeles, despite record levels of public engagement in Council and committee meetings, and following unprecedented protests across the City, elected officials have failed to make significant changes to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 City budget, or meaningfully address community demands. The City of Los Angeles must not only acknowledge, but directly work to uproot anti-Black racism and its long-standing history of disinvestment in Black and Brown communities.

In these times, as we grieve and reflect, the Movement for Black Lives and People’s Budget LA present a unique and inspiring opportunity to bravely reimagine our priorities as a City. We recognize this is a longstanding movement. We draw inspiration and strength from the activists and community members that have led this movement here in our own city, many of whom played a key role in launching it to national prominence.

We unequivocally align with Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and People’s Budget LA. We recognize that as civil servants we are uniquely positioned to uplift calls for change. While decision makers lay out priorities, we are charged with delivering them on a daily basis. Our work can and should reflect the priorities spelled out in the People’s Budget LA, where more than 24,000 Angelenos have articulated their needs. We uplift their calls to prioritize human-centered services by investing in the Built Environment, Universal Aid and Crisis Management, and Reimagined Community Safety. We envision a future where community safety and security is provided through secure housing, education, food security, and healthcare, and not over-policing. The call to defund police and fund communities is urgent and timely for our City’s Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities facing the dual crises of COVID-19 and structural racism.

We are moved by the actions of other agencies and fellow Angelenos, including the protests by unionized dockworkers against police brutality, demands for Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles Public Library, and Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to sever ties with the police, and calls for a care-first budget for Los Angeles County.

We too are making the political and moral argument that public safety can be reimagined to truly protect those who are most affected by various forms of oppression. Within our departments, we commit to build tools to center racial equity and dismantle racism; foster meaningful collaboration with historically oppressed and systems-impacted populations; and seed, nurture, and advance a new path forward toward full inclusion, holistic well-being, and self-determination for all communities—especially Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

The Mayor and the City Council must act immediately to:

1. REINVEST: Reallocate funds to essential social services for communities of color as spelled out in the People’s Budget LA with a commitment to decrease LAPD’s operating budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and in the years that follow. Top priorities include low-income housing assistance and rent cancellation, alternatives to public safety, mental health support, food assistance, and free public transportation. Ensure a just transition for City Employees as we embrace this mission.

2. RELEASE: Investigate any LAPD officer who has been accused of using unreasonable, excessive, and/or deadly force, and provide justice for the 886 Black and Brown deaths at the hands of law enforcement in Los Angeles County since 2000. Start with an investigation of LAPD tactics used at the May 30, 2020 protests in the Fairfax district as called for by an alliance of community, labor, policy and academic organizations in LA.

3. RESPOND: Acknowledge the demands for justice that more than 50 Black Los Angeles leaders authored in April 2020 to address the disparate impacts of COVID-19 on the region’s Black communities. Key demands include adequate testing, small business protections, and safe housing during the pandemic, as well as reparations, universal healthcare, food security, and education access in the long term.

4. REBUILD: Restore public trust in the public sector. Commit to authentic partnership with Black, Brown, and Indigenous community members on re-prioritizing the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. Partner with community members to implement these budget priorities across City departments. Commit to implementing a participatory budgeting process for all future budgets.

We, as City employees, chose to do this work in the public sector because we believe in the power of our labor for social good. We are asking you, as our elected leadership, to join this urgent moral call to action and reimagine with us.


* Required

Signature Count: 250+  (As of 11:44 am on 6/29/20)

  • First Name*
  • Last Name or Last Name Initial*
  • Department*
  • Current or Former Employee?*
  • Email Address (Note: This information will not be shared. Please use non-city email accounts. We only require email addresses to ensure signatures come from real people. )*
  • Please indicate whether you would like further updates from Concerned City Workers. Disclaimer: Your email address will not be distributed.
  • Yes, I would like to receive emails. No, please do not send me emails.

Please sign in solidarity and share with other city employees to do the same. We have already submitted this letter to Mayor Garcetti and the Members of City Council but encourage you to sign-on as we will continue to update the letter with new signatures at https://concernedcityworkers.la/. To contact us, please email [email protected] or follow us on twitter @ConcernedLACity.