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Can Nancy Pelosi Stop the GOP from Nixonizing Trump?


ONE MAN’S OPINION-Mark this one “rank speculation,” or we could call it, “there are too many serious problems without solutions; so, let’s jump into silly land.” 

Under standard Nixonization, the leaders of both parties visit the President and show him that they’ve got enough committed Congressional votes to remove him from office.  With Nixon, Senate removal after impeachment was looming. The same process can apply to the 25th Amendment. It would be even more humiliating for Trump to be labeled a nutcase. Since no politico wants to be on record publicly pushing his own party out of office, Nixonization is the way to remove someone who has overstayed his welcome. Nixoniztion is an informal, behind the scenes maneuver where the exiting President makes the decision to resign.  The President’s consent, even if it is at the end of a gun barrel, does undercut his ardent supporters. 

Are we seeing the GOP’s grooming Mike Pence to make him acceptable to the right wing but not make him as loony as Trump? Also, the GOP moderates have to feel that it can succeed.  One step would be to silence the Far Right at least temporarily and to gain sufficient support of bigwig money men in the GOP.  Did Trump allow Putin to put a bounty on American soldiers which would cause the MAGA forever folks to falter?  Bolton’s assessment that Trump is incompetent carries more weight than any Dem attack, especially following Rex Tillerson’s identifying Trump as a “fucking moron.”    

Nixonization has always been bipartisan, but on the other hand, we have done it only once. It’s not like there are any hard and fast rules.  Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton avoided conviction in the Senate which suggests Nixonization is the actual way a President is removed.  When the evidence is so great that his own party can no longer defend him, they do not want a Senate trial and all the bad press that will come with it.  Thus, when the evidence is truly overwhelming, his own party will agree with the opposition party and visit the President and tell him Goodbye. There is a quirk this time. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants Trump in office as that is good for her career. Her job is to get Dems elected. With a raving lunatic at the top of the GOP ticket, she figures she can get more Dems voted into office.   April 16, 2020, CityWatch, The Real Reason Nancy Pelosi Does Not Want to ‘Nixonize’ Trump. 

The reason Pelosi wants Trump in office until the election is the same reason the GOP may be trying to dump him now.  The GOP’s fear of an election disaster in November 2020. 

What Are the GOP’s Options? 

(1) Blackmail Pelosi to support them.  Ha, that’s not going to happen 

(2) Threaten to release Trump’s fax returns, but will Putin let the GOP have Trump’s tax returns? (It is my position based on no evidence whatsoever that Putin has Trump’s tax returns, etc.) 

(3) Prove Trump traded the lives of American soldiers to buy Putin’s goodwill.  

One problem with this story is, why would Putin put a bounty on Americans in Afghanistan?  Just to toy with Trump as a cat does with a mouse? 

Does the GOP have a Decent Reason to Nixonize Trump? 

Trump is a madman.  They know it. The only people who do not know Trump is wacko are part of his Shared Psychotic Delusion ((DSM-IV – 297.3; it is not in DSM-5).  If Trump should win the election, the next four years will be an unmitigated disaster.  If Trump loses, it could be a violent civil war. If Pence wins, that’s good as far as the GOP is concerned. If Pence loses, there won’t be a civil war. 

If Pence starts giving speeches to military audiences while wearing a mask, we will know that Trump’s Nixonization is underway. On the other hand, it’s late at night and I’m tired.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
