Wed, Mar

“Now is the Time for LA County to Prepare for a Potential Coronavirus Outbreak.”


GUEST COMMENTARY--The coronavirus threat is real and so is the potential for an outbreak here in Los Angeles County.

We applaud and stand with Governor Newsom and L.A. County Supervisors Hilda Solis and Janis Hahn on leading the way in providing resources and calling for emergency preparations in the event the virus spreads further through Southern California. We call on the Board of Supervisors to act quickly and take additional steps to create a task force to develop an effective strategic county-wide emergency shutdown procedure. 

The consequences of the coronavirus are far reaching. Not only do working families in Los Angeles County have to worry of the dire health implications, but also the financial instability that an outbreak could have county-wide. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already warned of severe disruptions to daily life and are encouraging businesses to consider telecommuting options for employees. 

We can’t afford to wait. To protect the safety and livelihoods of our community, it’s critical that L.A. County proactively prepares in the event that the coronavirus threat spreads throughout our region.


(Carlos Clayton is California Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) President. His views are his own.)
