Wed, Feb

Dem’s Rights Agenda Plays into Trump’s Hand


ONE MAN’S OPINION-In the 1950s, we knew where we stood as a nation and where we were going.

We had survived the Great Depression and fought back totalitarian nightmares in Europe and Asia; we were moving ahead to a new world. America was the land of the free and the brave and many Americans believed that the phrase “Truth, Justice, and the American way” was part of the Constitution. While those word do not appear in the constitution, they embodied the spirit of America until the Vietnam era destroyed our illusions. The younger generation decided to drop out while dropping LSD. Still, we had hope. Today hope has been killed. We are an older nation, but far from a wiser one. 

On the other hand, just as we failed to foresee the forces of destruction at work to sabotage the American Dream of the 1950s, we may be failing to see the dangers now lurking in our midst. 

What will be the impact on America’s self-image now that we have cleared the way for the genocide of the Kurds? Last week a few American forces held the Turks in check; today the Turks are slaughtering Kurds using Arab mercenaries to whom the Turks promise the land where the Kurds now live. We see a few feeble protests from the GOP which knows that treachery and betrayal of innocent civilians who sacrificed for American interests was not a wise policy. But can they do anything? Suppose King George had promised the Hessians all of New Jersey if they murdered all the colonists? 

Counterbalancing the GOP’s desire to constrain its mentally ill President is its realization that the Democrats likewise pose a lethal threat to Truth, Justice and the American way – and more importantly, to the GOP’s base. 

Central to this quagmire of political confusion are two pivotal factors: (1) The Dems’ Group Rights Identity Politics pose an existential threat to White Christian Americans (2) The President is mentally ill. 

We need to be clear about Nancy Pelosi’s agenda, and that is pressing forward with a Group Rights agenda in which people do not support a constitutional Republic based on individual inalienable rights but rather, support power based on “my group right or wrong.” Simultaneously, Pelosi relies on Trump’s mental instability to do horrible things, knowing that a mentally ill President will increase her personal power. 

Dem Group Rights Pose an Existential Threat to Right Wing Christian Americans 

Many years ago, Pelosi and other political leaders were alerted to the dangers the nation faces from right wing White Supremacists. Pelosi’s response has been to make clear that the Dems are hostile to whites as a group. The Dems’ constant charge of “white privilege” has been directed to all white people based solely on their skin color. Hillary summed it up with one word: “Deplorables.” She forgot that Deplorables vote. 

The reality the Dems refuse to acknowledge is that Trump’s base is forced to remain Trump’s base because Pelosi and the Dem party continue to pose an existential threat. The Dems promise more than ever to swamp the Deplorables as soon as the minorities become the majority. Eager to find a group as beholden to her as the Alt Right is to Trump, Pelosi has made anti-Semitism part of the Dem agenda by needlessly elevating known anti-Semites to positions of leadership. Now, we have a situation in which the Democrat party has become more anti-Jewish than the mainstream GOP. 

A House Divided Cannot Long Endure 

Group Rights leads to civil war. Anyone who does not realize that the nation teeters on the brink does not understand the threat of Dems’ and GOP’s Group Rights. While specific events like possible impeachment may temporarily cloud our vision, the pitting of one group against another group remains a formula for civil war. 

Donald Trump’s Undeniable Mental Illness 

As has been stated for years in these articles, Donald Trump suffers from serious personality disorders. Personality disorders are basically immutable, and they dictate how the person will think and behave. Trump is a narcissistic histrionic. Narcissism has become the main descriptor of his personality disorder, being a histrionic. Narcissism with its grandiose sense of entitlement is well understood. Being a histrionic is less understood but poses more of a lethal threat to the nation.  

A histrionic must always be the center of attention; he is a very shallow thinker, uses dramatic yet vague words which often make no real sense, and he is impulsive and easily swayed by manipulation. Putin figured this out during the election which is why he distanced himself from Trump.  Kim Jong-Un figured it out and flattered Trump, making fools of America. And Turkey’s Erdogan clearly knows how to manipulate Trump. We should not overlook the likelihood that Erdogan and other foreign leaders could also easily blackmail Trump. Is anyone myopic enough to believe that Putin, Erdogan and other dictators don’t have enough dirt on Trump to guarantee his downfall? The person most opposed to Trump’s impeachment has been Nancy Pelosi, because she sees Trump’s horrible behavior and the damage he does to the nation as her ticket to more personal power. 

Let’s be clear. Pelosi and other leading Dems squelched talk of Trump’s obvious personality disorders for fear the GOP would take effective action to contain his insanity and thereby reduce the Dems chances to win at the polls. Ironically, the Dems’ anti-white Group Rights agenda forces Trump’s base to stick with him no matter what. 

What sort of people have we Americans become when it is possible for one mentally ill person to make one phone call that can betray any people -- allies or non-allies – and subject them to the probability of ethnic cleansing and genocide?  

The time to use the 25th Amendment is long overdue. But as long as Pelosi opposes it, the GOP cannot do it. She knows that removing a mentally ill President reduces her power. The real-life political process has a name: Nixonization. How can we allow such craven creatures to control our destiny?


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch) Photo: CNN.  Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.