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LA’s Budget Advocates Need YOU!


YOUR BUDGET VOICE--The Budget Advocates (NCBA) are a committee of concerned citizens that represent the voice of LA’s citizens. Co-chaired by Jay Handal and Liz Amsden, the main goal of the NCBA is to amplify stake holder concerns by bringing them to the attention of the City Council, Committees and Departments to encourage approaches that will both balance the City’s budget and improve communication between City departments and the best interests of the people of Los Angeles. 

As a taxpayer and upstanding resident of our City, your input is vital and we want to hear from you. 

Please take our Surveys and sign up for our mailing list at www.NCBALA.com;  ‘Like’ us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/LABudgetAdvocates; and Follow us on Twitter at @BudgetAdvocates

We need your active participation because you … every one of you … are the heartbeat of the City and we are your voice. 

If there is a Budget Issue you would like us to look into, please send your question and/or suggestion to Adrienne Nicole Edwards at [email protected] or Jacqueline Kennedy at [email protected].  

Participate in our weekly surveys and checkout our blog 'Money Mondays' and "Budget Thursdays" starting this January right here on www.CityWatchLa.com


(This article was provided by the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates. For questions or comments … or, for more info: [email protected] or [email protected].)
