Mon, Mar

Election Results: Vandalism and Blocked Freeways are Not the Answer


RANTS AND RAVEZ--While California and the Los Angeles region remain a strong Democratic Blue State, Republican President - Elect Donald Trump won the race for president of the United States of America. What a blow to all the pollsters and newspaper editorial boards and so-called political pundits. 

While most Liberal Americans were banking on Hillary Clinton winning the office of President, they were suddenly surprised and shocked when the election returns began rolling in. One by one the states across America were turning Red for the somewhat wild and controversial billionaire Donald Trump to rescue them and set a new course of action for the citizens of America. 

In the final count, Donald Trump received 290 Electoral Votes (60,072,551 Popular Votes) while Hillary Clinton received 228 Electoral Votes (60,467,601 Popular Votes.) Once this sweeping victory for Donald Trump was confirmed, out came those that can’t accept the results. Their course of action was immediate protests and vandalism across many American cities. Breaking windows and blocking freeways and all other types of protesting actions.   

When the Democrats won other elections in the past, I don’t remember any Republicans protesting or carrying on in a hostile manner. While every American has the legal right to protest any and all issues, they don’t have the right to block freeways and break windows and cause damage to public and private property. Like many other issues in our society, this too will pass and there will be another Presidential election in four years to judge if Donald Trump delivers to those who voted for him or fails on his promises like many other politicians in the past. 

Local Elections and increased Taxes

With a $15.00 an hour minimum wage coming to workers in a few years, some of those dollar will be chewed up by new taxes. 

Measure M

… Was passed by the voters and will add a one-half cent tax to all purchases in Los Angeles County. The one-half cent tax will increase to 1% on July 1, 2039. The money will be used for a variety of promised transportation projects. Some will take up to 40 years to complete.  

It is interesting that the move to public transit has become so popular with our elected officials. Those of us who grew up in Los Angeles can remember the rails that ran across Los Angeles in past years. Down Santa Monica Blvd and so many other areas around Los Angeles like the Red Line and all the others that were so popular. It was the car industry that pushed to scrap the rails around Los Angeles and push for the comfort and relaxing ride in a car. 

The General Motors plant was built in Van Nuys and those Chevys rolled off the assembly line and into our driveways. There was Cruise Night along Van Nuys Blvd. Now the homeless occupy many parts of Van Nuys Blvd. There was the Ford plant in Pico Rivera and more jobs for those in the auto industry. That is all a lost memory for many and the congestion and road rage has replaced it all. 

The safety and convenience of your personal car is going to be replaced in future years with more bus lines and rail lines and bicycles as the city sees more congestion and jammed roadways. You can thank our city leaders for the situation we are in and the voters for the increased taxes we will all be paying in future years. 


While reviewing Measure M, you may be seeing LAPD Officers enforcing the transit routes in Los Angeles City next year. The Metro Board has recommended that Transit Security within the Los Angeles City Area be transferred from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to the LAPD. This change is expected to occur in 2017. It will be interesting to see how the LAPD will handle this added responsibility with the current number of LAPD Officers many working 12 hour shifts.  

Measure CC

… is a $3,300,000,000 bond that will cost you in your property tax. This will add $15.00 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. CC is aimed at spending money at the community colleges.

Measure HHH

is a $1,200,000,000 Bond Measure to address the 30 some thousand homeless population in Los Angeles City. The city is preparing to buy, build, or remodel facilities to provide supportive housing for the homeless. These facilities may be coming to your community since the city wants to spread the units throughout the city. The Bond will be paid from an increase in your property taxes

Additionally, the city will need an additional $800 million for various services associated with Measure HHH. When you see the “FREE” HHH Housing coming to your neighborhood for the homeless, don’t complain since the voters of Los Angeles approved this bond measure that was pushed by Los Angeles City Hall. 

Measure RRR

failed to pass. It was a way to take more of your money associated with the DWP and have a PAID expanded DWP Commission. 

Now some RaveZ for you … 

  • I want to Thank Steve Meyers for recognizing that the number of current LAPD Officers listed in my previous column was incorrect. The LAPD is actually 163 officers short of the authorized 10,000 officers.      
  • Thank you … David Gould for his comment on his favorite bumper sticker. “Don’t like cops?   Next time you have a problem call a Hippie.” Do we still have any Hippies left? 
  • Thank you … Sam who is 80 years young for his compliments on my column. I am glad you enjoy reading them. 
  • RaveZ for Councilman Bob Blumenfield … We have all heard stories about the city throwing away good items. Councilman Bob Blumenfield came up with a great idea to save old computers and put them to use for those in need. When city computers are up for salvage, they are collected and refurbished and distributed to low-income individuals or families. This program provides a connection for those less fortunate to the world of the Internet. A great program that keeps the computers in use and provides assistance to many in Los Angeles.                


As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to wish each of you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving. We need to recognize our many blessings and the opportunities we all share in America. Remember our military personnel that will not be enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner with their families since they are deployed around the world and our police officers, firefighters, ER doctors and nurses and all the others that will be working on Thanksgiving Day to provide services for all of us. 

Thanksgiving 2016 is truly a time to reflect, remember and give thanks for all of our blessings.

(Dennis P. Zine is a 33-year member of the Los Angeles Police Department and former Vice-Chairman of the Elected Los Angeles City Charter Reform Commission, a 12-year member of the Los Angeles City Council and a current LAPD Reserve Officer who serves as a member of the Fugitive Warrant Detail assigned out of Gang and Narcotics Division. Disclosure: Zine was a candidate for City Controller last city election. He writes RantZ & RaveZ for CityWatch. You can contact him at [email protected]. Mr. Zine’s views are his own and do not reflect the views of CityWatch.)
