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President Carter Will Be Remembered as Flawed But Decent; Biden…Not Even That


ALPERN AT LARGE - How rich that outgoing President Biden has suggested that incoming and former President Trump could learn “decency” from the now late-President Carter. President Carter, even to his detractors, tried hard during and after his one term in office to overcome any personal failures and to look ahead and do better.

But Biden (who much of the nation doesn’t even consider and respect any more as our true President, while everyone seems to now presume Trump calls the shots)…?

Well he just gave a horrible Christmas present to the loved ones of those slain by some of the most vicious murderers in America by commuting the murderers’ death sentences…

…as well as pardoning his son Hunter for a time period clearly and specifically meant to have Biden pardon HIMSELF for his corrupt foreign personal and family involvement in Ukraine and just about everywhere else.

Biden therefore has earned the right to rank right up there with Nixon as one of the biggest liars in American history.

And with respect to corruption and mean-spiritedness? 

Biden makes Nixon look like a piker—because at least Nixon had the DECENCY to resign and heal the nation while Biden still presumed he deserved (and could win) a second term as President.

Go ahead—throw Trump in that crowd, but Biden’s legacy will be that of one of the most INDECENT Presidents ever inflicted on this nation…while Trump, for all of his indecency, is now on the way back to the White House with a more powerful mandate than ever.

So there’s a reason or ten why the Democratic Party is in flames right now at its highest levels, and there’s a reason or ten why the GOP, led by Trump, Musk, and all the usual suspects (despise them or not, and regardless of whether or not they deserve this despising) might even create more new Republicans in the years to come.

Not because anyone loves the GOP, but because it’s obvious that the Democratic Party is more than willing to promote mediocre (if not godawful) individuals to very high positions, and make everyone wonder who the hell is running and ruining the nation with dreadful and immoral policies.

Forget about what Trump says and does—he’s no doubt quite capable of saying the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. Twice the nation voted for Trump’s raw and brutal approach to economic and foreign policies…but people didn’t make the decision to vote for Biden or Harris because they loved THEIR policies.

People voted for Biden or Harris, in large part, just because they hated Trump.

And there’s also reasons aplenty why much of the legacy media is terrified what they might endure in the years to come, while others are building bridges NOT just to Trump but ALSO to the over 50% of the American people they gaslighted in proclaiming Biden an OK kind of guy and someone capable of being President.

Hate Trump…sure…fine—but he’s running the Presidency starting in mid-January 2025 (with or without the caricature of a two-headed Trump/Musk beast dominating the White House).

But no one really knows who the hell ran the White House the last four years or so…

…Jill Biden and the Biden Family?

…Barack Obama?

…other operatives in the Biden Administration, or behind the scenes from the Obama Administration?

…Nancy Pelosi?

But Biden did occasionally come up for air, but only seemed to do so just to show us all what the mean creep he really is, and always was:

--Mean to those who paid off their student loans, or didn’t take them out because they couldn’t afford to go to college.

--Mean to those who migrated legally to the United States.

--Mean to those wondering how they could pay rent, utilities and eat with inflation exploding.

--Mean to those who did NOT want the federal government to be weaponized for any political party.

--Mean to those who remember why Biden failed to become the Democratic candidate for President--frankly, because he was a consummate liar who was a walking advertisement for term limits…along with Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

After pardoning his son Hunter in a way to OBVIOUSLY protect his own political heinie (the Ukraine story WILL come out, more and more and more, as will the Biden Family shenanigans), and after the “Cruel Christmas” he gave the families victimized by those on federal death row, Biden is showing he’s competent only enough to be MEAN.

And for those who do the ol’ “What about Trump, what about Trump…WHAT ABOUT TRUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!!!!”

I’m not talking about Trump—I’m talking about Biden. Have at it with Trump—your critiques and condemnations of Trump are ignored at our entire nation’s peril.

I’m talking about Biden, and about his wife, and about his son and brother and all their retinue, and about his former and current bosses who clearly have been running this nation for him…and doing so poorly that we just re-elected one of the most flawed individuals out there in sheer desperation.


Because even Carter’s detractors gave Carter the respect he deserved. Carter tried, and cared, and never stopped trying and caring as his conscience and faith demanded he do, and until his very last day on Planet Earth.

Biden…not so much.

President Carter…Rest In Peace. You lived a life well-lived.

President Biden…just go away.

(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father. He was active for 20 years on the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) as a Board Member focused on Planning and Transportation, and helped lead the grassroots efforts of the Expo Line as well as connecting LAX to MetroRail. His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)


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