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Who Won the November 2024 Election?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - No one is admitting who actually won the November 2024 election. Why? One reason: The media – the lame street, the mainstream, the extremist media – realize that wonderful profits come from the excitement of polarization.  “If it bleeds, it leads” is still the reigning metaphor.  If one wants to kill a newspaper, then print only stories like, “Yesterday Was a Nice Day; Nothing Bad Happened.”   As long as the nation is polarized between MAGA and WOKERS, the media has an eternal war of good vs evil to keep the revenue flowing.  Admitting that the Center won does not fit the media’s paradigm. Polarization makes the media wealthy.   “As a nation, we have been propagandized into seeing race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.” as the most important factors rather than seeking mutual cooperation in one nation undivided. See Hate Money 

The Centrists Clearly Won 

As true believers, MAGA and WOKE voters had no choice for whom to vote.  The only voters with a choice were the Centrist Independents (hereinafter Centrist includes Independents and other voters who are registered with no party).  Since the early 1950's, the American Political Science Association (APSA) has driven Americans farther apart under the ludicrous claim that America needs two political parties which agree on nothing. The APSA believed that polarization would give Americans a clear choice.  If the voters chose the GOP one year and hated the outcome, then they could elect only DEMs four years later, who would then reverse all that the GOP had done. When four years later the voters do not like the DEM’s governance, the voters could kick out all the DEMs and re-institute a GOP to throw out all the DEM policies.   APSA’s theme was “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”  This philosophy is 100% contrary to both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, but polarizing fear and hatred are always two of the favorites’ ploys of vicious power mongers.

Mounk  provides an assessment of the APSA’s absurd theory.  

Centrists swung the November 2024 election to Trump because he was less extreme than the Woke Dems.  Despite Trump’s claiming that (1) Haitians were eating our pets and (2) school children were having sex change operations at school and returning home a different gender in the afternoon, Centrists knew that was “Trump being Trump” like “Mexico will pay for the border wall.”  The Woke Dems, however, who were supporting pro-Hamas demonstrators chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were real.  Woke Dems were demanding slavery reparations for Blacks, costing into the hundreds of billions dollars.  Voters saw Woke Dems proclaiming that all Whites and Jews owe these reparations because of White privilege which attributes all achievement not to individual effort but to Whites’ stealing the work product of Blacks.  Kamala Harris went so far as to accuse American Jews of participating in genocide in Gaza – where there was no genocide by anyone.  Gazans had voted into power Hamas, a terrorist organization, which launched a pogrom against Jews on Oct 7 and Hamas refuses to release hostages, which was a war crime.  70% of Gazans still support Hamas. Joe Biden had a running series of Blood Libels  against Netanyahu, Israel and American Jews, publishing falsehoods even after the UN and Hamas itself had retracted much of the false data on the dead Gazans, e.g., Biden reported as dead, Gazans who had died of natural causes long before the war began.  Everywhere Centrists turned, they saw anti-white and anti-Jewish racism from the Woke DEI. Centrists decided that Trump was less the threat than the Pelosi-Obama-Biden (Kamala) Dem Wokeism. 

What’s the Power of the Centrists? 

No one owns us Centrists.  Think of the TV show This Old House where they want to install a new door jam and out come the carpenter’s levels.  If the bubble is a little to right, that side is raised a tad.  If the next door’s bubble is to the left, that side is raised.  On each new door jam, the bubble has to be on the center. If not, everything that follows will be out of kilter.  Governance based on consent of the governed must be based on the Center and not imposed by some extreme ideology, be it MAGA or WOKEISM. 

Because Centrists belong to no political party, they cannot be taken for granted. On each issue, each individual politico has to win over each Centrist.  By its nature, extremism alienates the Centrists whose voting will tend towards the Center.  Unless we remain registered as Independents, the pollsters will be unable to show the politicos as they get too extreme. 

Trump has no MAGA Mandate 

Trump won by only 1.6%.  Not only did 17 million fewer voters turn out in 2024 than in 2020 and most of the no-shows were Dems, but “self-identified independent voter turnout reached the highest on record, outperforming Democrats and tying with Republicans.”  See  Center Won When the conservative Washington Examiner admits that the Center is responsible for Trump’s win, one may accept that conclusion. 

There will be a lot of screaming, hollering and mashing of teeth over a gazllion issues, but we Centrist need to keep an even keel and use the Republic as a guidepost.  Centrists need to jettison the misinformation that America is a democracy. Instead, the Constitution gave us the most sophisticated government on earth, The Republic.  Our core values are each individual’s inalienable rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness and the purpose of the Republic is to protect those rights by making certain that too much power does not accumulate in one place. The inherent evil of a democracy is that it lumps a huge amount of power in one place; after each election, the winner claims a mandate. Democracy is the way station to tyranny.  Trump is making this “I have a mandate” error, but the Republic has already stopped him a few times, e.g., first was the rejection of Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General. 

Centrism’s Power 

As long as we Centrists stay Independent of any political party, we can shift our weight as needed, making certain that This Old Republic keeps the level’s bubble in the political center.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  Email: [email protected])

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