Fri, Mar

The Republic Fought Back and Won!


THE VIEW FROM HERE – This column’s Matt Gaetz article was submitted for the CityWatch’s Wednesday deadline, only to awaken Thursday morning to discover that Matt Gaetz added to his sins withdrawing from Attorney General consideration so that I would have no article for this evening.  Nonetheless, I am pushing ahead and publishing the article in order to highlight the fantastic victory for the Republic.  

I am not a GOP, but the facts show that we need to thank the GOP Senators. Only the GOP were in a position to stand up to Trump’s subversion of the constitutional process similar to how GOP did the same when they forced Richard Nixon to resign. It would be nice to say that the Democrats would have done the same, but history shows otherwise. America is still perilously close to losing the Republic and our inalienable rights. Following is my article on the existential danger Matt Gaetz’ nomination posed for the Republic. 

Shall America Stay a Republic or Devolve into a Democracy? 

The fight over Trump’s appointees is essentially whether America will deteriorate into democracy, which is a way station to tyranny, or whether it shall remain a constitutional Republic. 

Both political parties loath the Republic because the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the law limits what actions the party in power may take.  Pelosi defecated repeatedly on the Constitution and no one cared.  Her repetitive violations of her oath of office amounted to domestic treason, but few objected since virtually all politicos favor a democracy and the sooner the Republic died the better.  The world has never seen a more effect limitation on the control on government power than the individual inalienable rights of each person couple with a Constitutional Republic which made those rights the fundamental law of the land. 

A Republic is not based on voting, and in a Republic, an election cannot override the law.  Every aspect of government is subservient to the Constitution and the inalienable rights its protects.  The framers knew that the Constitution rested not only on the separate of powers so that no faction would become strong enough to be a tyrant but also on the honor and ethics of the elected officials to place country over politics at crucial moments. 

Impeachment is a complicated process which requires representatives and senators to adhere to their Constitutional roles. The House acts as the prosecutors whose constitutional duty is to gather all the relevant evidence, and when the prosecutors, e.g. Rep Adam Smith’s committee, have gathered all the testimonial and documentary evidence, they vote Yea or Nay on Articles of Impeachment, which are like a indictment in criminal law. The Articles are then presented to the Senate along with the evidence. 

The Articles Are Proof of Nothing! 

This part is vital. The Article are not evidence; they are mere accusations.  The Record which The House transmits to the  Senate trial contains all the evidence.  Thus, the most crucial  House constitutional duty in an impeachment is not the Articles, but the body of evidence. In both impeachments, Nancy Pelosi made certain that The Record was inadequate to convict Trump.  Think the 1919 World Series only with the welfare of the entire nation at stake.  See Pelosi’s Betrayal 

Everyone in government knew what Pelosi did and why she did it. Virtually no one in the public had a cue.  Pelosi trashed her Constitutional duties in order to make certain that Donald Trump would not be convicted and removed from office.  Pelosi figured that Trump was so disruptive of the GOP and so hated by the party leadership, his remaining in power would make the GOP nonfunctional, and thereby benefit the Democratic party and her career as Speaker of the House.  Because the GOP leadership detested Trump, they were eager to evict him, but they needed more evidence as all the law professors advised Pelosi, who thereupon stopped all evidence collection. See Law Professors 

Pelosi repeated domestic treason with the second impeachment where she withheld the crucial information from the House managers that there was GOP House member willing to testify against Trump. She also prevented any insurrectionists from testifying that they had attacked the Capitol on Trump’s directions. Without evidence, the second Senate trial found Trump not guilty.  The fact the entire world saw Trump’s behavior on TV did not compensate for missing crucial evidence which Pelosi had kept out of The Record. 

Pelosi’s delusion is that when her Woke minorities are the majority of voters, they will take whatever they want from the non-Woke Whites and Jews, and thereby give the Dem Party its Thousand Year Reich free of any opposition party.  To reach this goal, America has to become a democracy without the rule of law of a Republic.  She wanted the latest vote to be the law of the land, but being a deluded true believer, she failed to see that Americans hate Wokeism. It was the Non-Woker voters including millions of minorities who voted for Trump that brought him into office. 

Trump Has No Mandate 

Since both parties have brain-washed Americans into believing that America is a democracy, they believe that Trump has a mandate. He has none. He won the election 49.9% vs 48.3%, which is only by 1.6%.  Before the election, we had been duped into believing that the economy and immigration were the controlling issues without realizing that the pollsters knew that the pivotal issue was Wokeism. The pollsters, however, refused to publicize those results since they were not politically correct from a GOP or a Dem standpoint.  Within a few days after the election, it was clear that Wokeism was on virtually everyone’s list why the Dems lost.  It had been obvious years before the election.  See  Dec 26, 2021, “Wokeism:  Why Biden Is Doing Poorly”   Wokeism Destroys 

The Looming Constitutional Crisis

Trump and his minions believe that Trump has a personal mandate to do whatever he wants because he won the election.  If America were a democracy as Nancy Pelosi wanted, then Trump would be 100% correct.  For both Pelosi and Trump, the Constitution is toilet paper. Trump believes that his 1.6% vote margin is all that matters.  (What does a mandate look like? The new Los Angeles District Attorney Hochman won over Woke Gascón 60% v 40% and there was only one issue: was Gascón too Woke? Does Hochman believe he has a mandate to be a far right wing conservative? No. His says his mandate is to apply the law fairly without politics.) 

There is only one issue on which about 85% or more of the country agrees with Trump – end Wokeism. Otherwise, the nation is split essentially 50/50 on most issues and they are overwhelmingly against putting totally unqualified sex pervs into power. 

Trump, like Pelosi, Believes That the Constitution Is to Be Ignored 

Trump wants Senators to betray their constitutional duty to advise and consent on his nominations and let him staff his administration with horrible people.  Any GOP who does not support Trump’s endeavor will be primaried in his next election. 

While the House Ethics committee is set later today to vote on whether to release the report in Matt Gaetz, it is unlikely any GOP member of the committee will vote Yes.  That will end their careers as happened to Lynn Cheney.  Also, it is not clear whether the vote in the Ethics Committee is a constitutional duty to vote Yes or merely a moral duty.  As with Pelosi, the Trump’s legal objective is to keep out of the record for Gaetz’ confirmation hearing what everyone on Capitol Hill already knows.  (If the vote is taken in time to amend this article, I shall do so.) 

The Burden Will Fall On Senate Majority Leader Sen. John Thune 

Sen. John Thune’s (Senate Majority Leader’s) conduct may determine whether America reverts to being a Constitutional Republic where honorable men uphold the rule of law or whether we go further down the illicit path into a democracy, where the law rests on who won the last election. 

If the Senate rejects the sex perv Matt Gaetz to be the next Attorney General, Trump will have a Narcissistic Hissy Fit and retaliate against the Senate GOP leadership. If the Senate ignores its duty to advise and consent and capitulates to Trump’s threats, then Majority Leader John Thune (G-SD) will descend to the level of punk, aka Trump’s bitch.  House Speaker Mike Johnson has already capitulated.  Thune’s constitutional duty is clear.  In order to save the Republic, he must defend the Constitution as the supreme law of the law which requires that he rigorously and faithfully adhere to his constitutional duties as to each and every Trump nominee. 



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