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Kamala’s Dilemma


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Kamala Harris is the Dem Presidential candidate for one reason – the nation was overwhelmingly rejecting Joe Biden.  Whether the powers-that-be seized upon his take-the-keys-away-from-Grandpa debate performance to give Biden the boot or whether they somehow caused his befuddlement, they were quick to replace him with Harris.   Had she been pre-selected or is she much smarter than anyone knew and she heeded Robin Williams and carpe diem? 

Those who think she was chosen because she was young enough to contrast both Biden’s and Trump’s senior status miss the deeper analysis.  The country was rejecting Biden’s Wokeism. The Center and disaffected GOP had started to reject him in May of 2021 when he stopped being a Centrist.   Biden changed from Centrist to rabid Woker in May, when Biden stopped his Covid theme of “Let’s all mask up to achieve herd immunity by July 4th” in favor of blaming Covid on Republicans who were less likely to wear masks in public.  The Woke Dem establishment had been horrified that so many Centrists and even GOP voters sided with Biden’s Centrism. That meant Biden could govern with a Centrist consensus without kowtowing to their racist Woke Identity Politics agenda.  In 2021, very few Americans understood the threat which Wokeism posed.  But, they knew that they were not vile racists like Sheriff Bull Connor who set the police dogs upon civil rights protesters just because they disagreed with Biden’s Black Voting Rights Bill. 

Most forget how strong cancel culture was in Woke circles and anyone who did not toe the Woke party line that the world is divided into Oppressors and Oppressees was chastised as racist.  Politicians repressed the reality that when Hillary called White voters in the Rust Belt “Deplorables,” so many rushed out to vote for Trump that she lost the 2016 election.  The bulk of American voters hate Wokeism as soon as they learn what it means. 

The GOP attacks on Wokeism, however, were so outlandishly over the top, that the GOP alienated the Centrists.  As bad as Wokers may be, they will not force American males to transgender themselves into females! It was not until the December 2023 Congressional hearings about  anti-Semitism on elite college campuses that the racist nature of Wokeism gained national headlines.   

Nonetheless, it was socially and politically safer to be anti-Biden due to inflation, ignoring the fact that Biden did not cause inflation.  The increasing urban crime with smash and grab and home invasion robberies were clearly being done disproportionately by Blacks and the Hispanics.  Then, in places like Los Angeles, South Americans were coming to LA to commit robberies because of Woke law enforcement.  However, according to Woke Biden, all problems were caused by White Oppressors and not the criminals who were running rampant.  In Los Angeles, criminally insane predators were roaming the streets, murdering innocent civilians.  According to Wokeism, the true villains were White Oppressors.  Los Angeles federal judge David O. Carter even said that Blacks were homeless because White people lived in single-family homes. The solution was to destroy single family neighborhoods. 

Trump may have serious mental problems, but he is not so crazy as to categorize all White people as Oppressors and propose that Whites and Hispanics have to pay slavery reparations to Blacks.  Both the state of California and the City of Los Angeles propose slavery reparations despite the fact that California never had slavery and LA had been a refuge for Blacks fleeing the oppression of the South. 

Wokeism Turned into Villainy 

The day after the Oct 7th Hamas pogrom, Joe Biden started his anti-Jewish campaign that the problem was not Hamas, but Netanyahu!  After a few crocodiles’ tears for the murdered Jews and their friends, Biden immediately turned against Israel, demanding that there be no Israeli military response. Since Oct 8, 2023, Biden has not changed his position that the problem in Gaza is not Hamas, but Netanyahu’s coalition government.  One of Biden’s primary goals has been to subvert and then overthrow the Israeli government in order to install the Israel ultra far left which will follow the Obama Doctrine of appeasement, appeasement, appeasement.  It took a while to realize that when Biden said that “Israel had the right of self-defense,” he meant Israel should not take any positive action against Hamas but had to wait for missiles and drones to attack the kibbutzim and urban areas and then and only then could the IDF shoot them down.  Israel ignored Biden. Since Oct 8th, Biden has opposed each and every Israel military effort to rid Gaza of Hamas.  Each and every Biden “cease fire” proposal starts with Israel loses the war and Hamas will be allowed to re-arm and attack Israel.  Hamas’ American counterparts are Hamas supporters harassing and attacking synagogues and Jewish students on college campuses. The Woke media initially reported that the six hostages “died” and not that Hamas murdered them.  Columbia University has already allowed Hamas supporters back on campus.  California may not be as bad because Federal Judge Scarsi has enjoined UCLA over its pro-Hamas proclivities. 

This Fall semester may see a new aspect to the campus demonstrations – a significant number of non-Jewish students and faculty who are fed up with Hamas and Wokeism with its classification of people into Oppressors or Oppressees based on race.  We will know with a week or so. 

Although Vice President, Kamala is temporarily stuck with Biden Administration policy; as candidate she has a moral and ethical duty to state where she stands.  If she sticks with Biden’s anti-Israel Wokeism, she will lose the Centrist vote and the election.  If she reiterates that Hamas and not Netanyahu is the problem, she will be viciously attacked by all of Wokedom.  But, who has the more votes – Wokers who support Hamas or Centrist voters would want to rid the nation of Wokeism?   

Kamala Harris’ Time is Running Out 

As Jack Benny said, timing is everything. When will be the right moment for Kamala to become the non-Woke Presidential candidate?  Will it be more vile pro-Hamas campuses encampments which Joe Biden will encourage by saying free speech is good while ignoring that crying fire in a crowded theater is not protected speech, encampments are not free speech, and urging the genocide of Jews is not free speech when there are Jews all about. 

Wokeism Run Amuck 

Consistent with Kamala’s saying that her values have not changed is the theme of Wokeism has run amuck!  In fact, there are millions of Democrats who want to be freed from the yoke of Wokeism and its Identity Politics.  As long as Kamala Harris places it safe, she will never be seen as a leader.  Her carpe diem moment is at hand. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].) 

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