Mon, Mar

Biden Was Not the Problem!


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The presumed nominees of both the GOP and the Dem had disqualifying mental disabilities.  Neither party gives a tinker’s damn how mentally incompetent its leader may be as long as they seize power in November 2024.  Trump’s two personality disorders (Histrionic and Narcissistic plus a more visible streak of paranoia) empower his base, which is oblivious to his being detached from reality.  Last Thursday night, Trump could not hold it together for his acceptance speech.  All Trump had to do was follow the most important rule in public speaking – Know When to Shut Up!  The thing about Trump is that he has only one audience - himself. 

The Dems, on the other hand, recognized that Joe Biden is in his dotage.  No rational person believed that Biden could serve another year, let alone four more years.  However, Biden was not the Dems’ real dilemma. Pelosi and other died-in-the-wool anti-American, Woke DEI true-believers are as blind to how much Americans hate Wokeism as MAGA is to Trump’s non-stop delusions. 

Pelosi Is the Number One Person Behind America’s polarization

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, pushed the racist DEI agenda on higher education, corporations and government and she elevated the anti-Jewish Squad in Congress. Her Identity Politics was and is simple: The world is divided into two groups: the Oppressors (Whites and Jews) and the Oppressed (all minorities). People are not judged by individual character, but instead by their group classification.  Thus, we Jews, as official DEI Oppressors, have no right to exist, while Hamas, as an official Oppressed minority, can do no wrong.  Per Pelosi’s Woke Identity Politics, when the oppressed minorities are the majority of the voters, they will appropriate whatever they wish from the Oppressors. While Pelosi publicly decries anti-Semitism, she told Biden to withhold military aid from Israel. 

If the Dems lose the Presidency, the House and the Senate, as Pelosi fears if Hamas Joe has remained the Dem candidate, the entire racist Woker DEI superstructure will crash.  Already, corporations are dropping DEI.  As has been true since 2015, Pelosi’s best ally has been Trump’s anti-Mexicanism.  He uses the code word “immigrants,” but his base hears “Mexicans.” As Trump’s acceptance speech showed, he is still captive of his personality disorders and he is mentally incapable of any sustained pitch to the Center – where middle class Whites, Mexicans, other Hispanics, Asians, Jews, and Blacks are the majority of the voters.  

Americans Hate Dem Wokeism 

America is founded on the principle that each person possesses individual inalienable rights, and the role of government is to mutually cooperate in order to protect those rights.

As stated in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…” (Declaration of Independence, ¶ 2).

Martin Luther King Jr., in his "I Have a Dream" speech, emphasized that individuals should be judged by their character and not by their skin color, religion, gender, creed, or national origin. The American Dream envisions a society where each person is judged based on their individual merit, leaving no room for DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) group rights that categorize individuals based on group classification rather than personal merit.

It has taken a few decades for Woke DEI indoctrination to push aside the Declaration and the US Constitution in order to embed Woke Group Rights in the place of individual inalienable rights so that college students now cheer for Hamas, the most viciously barbaric terrorist organization since German Nazism. Nonetheless, Dem Wokers openly call for the extermination of the Jews and for “Death to America.”  The US media such as CBS news has become a partner in Hamas’ war strategy to make certain that thousands of Gazans are maimed and killed by forcing Gazans to remain within the areas which the IDF repeatedly warns Gazans to leave.  Then, the Woke US media blames the Gazan deaths on the Jews. Hamas counts its military dead as civilians – as the UN -- but not Woker Joe – had to finally admit.  Instead, Biden persisted in his Blood Libels against Jews  Joe Biden did not invent his anti-Jewish agenda; it comes directly from Nancy Pelosi and her Woke minions. 

Wokeism is the Real Threat Facing America 

Pelosi has not installed Wokeism as Dem’s governing ideology to let it slip away now.  As a Californian, Pelosi realizes that Kamala Harris has a closet of damning skeletons, and thus, Pelosi favors an open convention where she can select her preferred Woke nominee.  Pelosi operates behind the scenes like a malevolent Wizard of Oz.  The vast Woke Dem establishment have much of the fortune and power invested in Woke DEI ideology so they are trying to force Kamala Harris to replace Biden. In other words, the Woke Dems are doubling down on everything the vast middle Center detests. 

Dems dare not mention Pelosi’s track record; it has been horrible.  In 2010, Pelosi’s anti-White agenda, along with Obama’s regressive Pro Wall Street policies, bought the Tea Baggers to power in Congress. In 2016, Pelosi’s Wokeism is why Hillary called poor whites in the Rust Belt “deplorables,” resulting in her loss in the Electoral College.  When there was a chance to wean Trump way from the Alt Right with his 2018 Tax Bill, which was based on prior Dem recommendations, Pelosi wouldn’t allow Dems to support Trump . Pelosi wanted a polarized America to help her win elections; and the public welfare be damned.  As a Histrionic, Trump would have gone wherever the cheers were loudest including movement to the Center. When it comes to responding to cheers, Trump is the reincarnation of Pavlov’s dog.  

In 2019, when the law professors told Pelosi  that the House lacked adequate evidence to convict Trump in the Senate, Pelosi sabotaged the Senate trial by stopping evidence gathering. Similarly, she protected Trump from conviction over the Jan 6th insurrection by not allowing the House mangers have the witnesses they needed. See “Unchecked, The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachment of Donald Trump” by Bade and Demirjian.  Pelosi did not want Trump convicted because she thought there was more mileage to keep Trump running amuck in the GOP and that the subsequent criminal trials would keep Trump a nightmare for the GOP. 

The Nation Is Mired in the Woke DEI Agenda 

Pelosi has purged the Dem Party of most non-Wokers.  The major Jewish organizations like the ADL, the AJC, and many JFEDs have become wholly owned subsidiaries of the Woke Dems. Blacks who dissented from Wokeism were culture cancelled.  But, now the Woke monster which Pelosi created seems to grown beyond her power to control. 

The Dems Face Huge Problem 

Biden dropped out and endorsed Kamala Harris, his Asian Jamaican Veep, who is too corrupt to assume Biden’s place. Was Biden’s naming Kamala Harris as his successor a big FU to Pelosi and the Obama’s? It’s ironic that Dems need to dump their Affirmative Action Vice President in order to have any hope to win in November.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected]. The opinions expressed are those of Mr. Abrams and not that of CityWatchLA.)

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