Fri, Oct


Let's All Take A Moment...And Just Breathe


WON’T BE SILENT - The hysterics that the Democratic Party is suffering from now falls under the category of—and I’ve been saying this for a while—embarrassing. Let’s face it, the RNC knows how to put on a slick, high-powered, America’s Got Talent type of convention, complete with liars, strippers, hookers, closet cases, Oreos, wannabe Ninja Warriors, celebutards, celebritards, (2 separate types of egomaniacs), ganevs (thieves in Hebrew), hypocrites, rapists, and wanna be murderers. Case in point, “I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and people would still love me”. Need I say more?

Democrats need to meet this moment and control the narrative and figure out a way to sidestep the lackluster RNC viewership, and talk up how friggen nuts Trump is, even more so than in 2020, and start making the case for Joe. Yes, Joe. Because all we have is today. And to quote columnist, David Bender, “A candidate is in, until they step out.” We have a month leading into the democratic convention in August where it is our duty to remind Americans what the democratic party stands for—truth, justice and the American way. Even if that sounds too Pollyanna, it sure beats the demonic plans that we know as Trump Project 2025. (He loves slapping his name on shit, so there, I did it for him.)

It’s fitting now to share the last paragraph of my book, “Won’t Be Silent - Don’t Stop ‘til It Matters”.

“YET, don’t sit on your laurels, kids. Our work has just begun. The forces of evil that brought my grandparents to their violent, unfortunate deaths, coupled with what my parents had to endure, are not that far off on the horizon. If you squint hard enough, you can see the foreshadows of an America you won’t recognize. Lord knows we already hear mumbling, rumbling, and the drumbeat of a new kind of war by evil factions here and abroad, which is why we can’t, must not, and won’t be silent.”

Must I be the one to remind everyone what we accomplished in 2020 cumulatively? Together with joy, enthusiasm, and our hearts in the right place we helped Joe save the soul of America. The only thing that's changed is that Joe has lost the spring in his step. All this speculation does not change the fact that Democrats need to package our convention in a way that inspires, embraces, excites, and convinces people that we are the party that cares about you. YOU are on the ballot in November. Not Joe, not anyone else. You! How you decide to vote must be based on which candidate has your back. Shares your ideals. Cares about your rights and freedoms. The dems are not a bunch of sycophants who believe that God only exists to save Trump's life. And, what, the firefighter be damned? What the actual fuck? 

“Snap out of it.” — Cher

As the media (not our friends) promotes and fantasizes what could be IF Joe does this, and who jumps in says that, the process is disrespecting our current situation. Joe Biden is the candidate today. If you have an ounce of spirituality, then you know to take life “a day at a time”. We have no idea what tomorrow brings. Hell, the airports and the banks are not working today. Would you have thunk that last night? That should prove to all of us that the unknown looms large. So, let’s see how all this plays out. Until then, chill. Ohmmmmmm.

(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Won't Be Silent," engaging in conversations from the edge of democracy. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected].)


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