Fri, Oct


How Wokeism Could Re-elect Trump President


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Even the Sunday morning pundits on the political news shows like Meet the Press ignore the fact that Wokeism may re-elect Trump as President.  One reason that they ignore this issue is that to admit the possibility undermines Wokeism among reasonable people in the middle.  The Dem pundits are perplexed why voters ignore all the good economic news and so many still claim Biden is doing a bad job on the economy.  A major reason that an improving prosperity does not cause many Centrist Whites to favor Biden is their belief that Woke Biden will dole out the benefits to the Blacks and trash the Whites just as Obama did to the blue collar and poor Whites in the Rust Belt. 

The Dems play in their own little circle jerk-off where they only please themselves. Unfortunately for them, the Dem’s house has glass walls so that others can see inside. And, they do not like what they see. 

Support of Genocide Is Not Prudent Politics 

Biden’s original reaction to October 7th was standard and he has withstood the Woke support for Hamas enough to leave Americans perplexed, but he has caved-in to Wokeism enough to make millions of voters in swing states move away from the Dem party.  Joe Biden’s approach to Wokers’ support of Hamas is the same as Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’s – both personally condemn Hamas and assert Israel’s right of self-defense, but they do not condemn US Wokers who actively work in favor of Hamas and its goal to exterminate Jews.   Biden has it one hundred percent wrong. He does not need the Woke base to win. In fact. Americans hate Wokeism ,  and the more they see of it, the more they hate it. 

Trump won in 2016 due to Leftist Wokeism, although at the time, few realized that Hillary’s calling White Americans “basket of deplorables,” was mainline Wokeism, i.e., Identity Politics.  They knew how the trade policies of Obama had devastated lower- and middle-class Whites, brought the opioid crisis and incarceration of their young upon them for drug use, while Obama gave $15 Trillion to Wall Street banks who had caused the worldwide economic meltdown, but Obama sent Main Street into foreclosure and bankruptcy.  The “Deplorables” knew that something was rotten, and it wasn’t in Denmark, but right here in the good ole USA.  The resultant surge of Deplorables’ votes in 2020 gave Trump an electoral college majority, and in retrospect, it was a spontaneous rejection of Wokeism. 

The Congressional testimony of the presidents of three Ivy League universities that advocacy of the genocide of Jews could be okay under their Woke DEI policies was alarming.  While Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s (R-NY) cross examination was excellent, her conclusion that anti-Semitism was against the schools’ DEI policies was dead wrong.  All three presidents said that context is controlling because calling for extermination of Jews is 100% consistent with their schools’ DEI philosophies.  Nonetheless, their inability to condemn anti-Semitism and refusal to take a single step to rebut the Hamas’ lies alarmed many Americans. When Harvard’s President Claudine Gay finally resigned, she showed that the woke force was strong within her by her playing the victimization race card.   

The sole Dem defense of Wokeism is the continued misrepresentation of Wokeism that it means treating everyone fairly when it means the opposite. It means treating people by their race and not by their character. Wokers cast aside diligence, hard work, and achievement as vestiges of White privilege. Rather people are promoted or excluded based on their ascriptive status, e.g. skin hue.  Dems believe that because they repeat the lies about the virtues of Wokeism, that people are still dumb enough to continue to believe them.  As mainstream Americans are beginning to learn, Wokeism’s Anti-White agenda prevails at almost all colleges including community colleges. 

One phenomenon which will help protect Wokeism, however, is the right wing’s selecting the most extreme examples which resonant with their MAGA base, but which alienate Whites and many minority voters who are naturally anti-Woke.  The GOP concentrates on the silly aspect like pronouns, while ignoring the fact that their children are being denied decent college educations and face an un-level employment field after graduation.  Merit based criteria like SAT scores are being removed in favor of the race prejudices of admissions officers.  The Dems are imposing a new quota system on employers and in the military.  Yet, the GOP persists in its traditional anti-Gay bigotry.  Gay rights are based 100% on the inalienable right of Liberty, see Lawrence vs. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). In fact, all Americans, put especially GOP, need to study the first paragraph of Justice Anthony’s Kennedy’s opening paragraph.  It is complete rejection of Wokeism. 

Liberty protects the person from unwarranted government intrusions into a dwelling or other private places. In our tradition the State is not omnipresent in the home. And there are other spheres of our lives and existence, outside the home, where the State should not be a dominant presence.  Freedom extends beyond spatial bounds.  Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct. The instant case involves liberty of the person both in its spatial and more transcendent dimensions. 

Under Wokeism, Liberty is an evil because the individual does not count.  Rather, the group to which one is assigned controls.  Jews may be raped and murdered including infants because Wokeism classifies Jews, all Jews by virtue of being Jewish, as oppressors.  Thus, Jews are to be culture canceled and driven out of universities and when possible, physically exterminated.  

The main obstacle to Trump’s re-election in light of Americans’ seeing the true nature of Wokeism is Donald Trump himself.  He has descended into a series of narcissistic rages over his personal grievances.  Right now, his obsession with his 2020 election loss is playing well with the MAGA crowd, but that will not win over the Independent voters. Centrists are rightfully worried that the Woke Dems will continue to make Whites second class citizens while giving billions in slavery reparations to Blacks.  In fact, Mexicans are none too keen on the idea that California is proposing to give billions of dollars to Blacks due to slavery and ignore that Anglos stole well over one trillion dollars in land from the original Mexican owners, the Californios. To add insult to injury, California is running a deficit between $38 and $68 billions dollars.  As the largest group in California, the brunt of slavery reparations will be placed on Mexicans.  As Angelenos learned with Woke dirty trick of defaming three Mexican city councilmembers as anti-Black racists, when Wokeism chooses between Mexicans and Blacks, the Mexicans are shoved to the back of the bus, if not off the bus altogether. 

The work ethic is strong among Mexicans, but Trump’s anti-Mexican bigotry deters Mexicans from joining the GOP ranks.  Trump wants to exclude Mexicans completely and split up immigrant families of mixed American citizens and illegals by mass deportations of Mexicans.  When the US did the same thing in the 1930's, the US was not particular whether the deported Mexicans were actually illegals.  The Woke, on the other hand, will fight for the illegals to remain, although subservient to the Blacks.  Whom are Mexicans voters more likely to support - the party which wants to kick them out of country or the party which wants to keep them in the country? 

But for Trump’s histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders, Wokeism and its virulent anti-White and anti-Jewish agenda would result in a GOP landslide. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].)

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