Fri, Oct


Sepulveda Pass: Metro Continues to Lie and Mislead Angelenos


LA TRANSPO - The Metropolitan Transportation Authority continues to develop a plan behind closed doors for a subway between the Valley and Westside that will cost a minimum of an astronomical $25 billion with a targeted completion expected in 2040. And that is if we are lucky given Metro’s reputation for massive cost overruns, years of delay, and significant litigation.  This alternative will require a significant increase in our sales tax, already one of the highest in the country. In addition, this fixed rail alternative will be obsolete before it is finished and require massive annual subsidies. 

Residents on both sides of the Sepulveda Pass believe that a monorail along the 405 will have the same capacity, be completed by 2033, and cost only $8 billion, an amount that fits within Metro’s budget that was outlined in the 2016 half cent increase in our sales tax.

To date, Metro has stonewalled Angelenos who have asked for information about alternative plans and associated costs.  As a result, frustrated residents recently ran an advertisement in the Daily News and the UCLA Daily Bruin asking Mayor Karen Bass ([email protected]), Chair of the Metro Board of Directors, to direct Metro management to be open and transparent (hallmarks of her administration), provide us with the necessary information on a timely basis, and hold management accountable.  

(Bob Anderson (Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association and SOHA’s transportation committee chair) and Fred Rosen (Keep Bel Air Beautiful and former Ticketmaster CEO) are opponents of the Metro plan.)

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