Sun, Mar

Security Concerns Rise as Border Crisis Sparks Speculation of National Security Threats


SECURITY CONCERNS - The fall of America will be an epic full-employment act for future historians, presupposing we don't provoke Russia into a nuclear war. As said from antiquity, the fish rots from the head down. It is apparent (to some) that the rotten head, Washington DC, the donors and think tanks running the executive branch, and our congress critter-grifters have engineered an invasion. Mass unvetted illegal immigrants who don't like us and from the poorest and least educated countries coming here is a big problem to understate it. 

When any administration in Washington, DC, admits a problem, you know with certainty that you are up that stinky creek without a paddle. Thus, we know we are in for substantial issues based on FBI Director Wray's testimony before Congress on March 11th regarding illegal migration. Wray said: "From an FBI perspective, we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. And that includes everything from drug trafficking — the FBI alone seized enough fentanyl in the last two years to kill 270 million people — that's just on the fentanyl side." Wray expressed caution about how much he could say but admitted that the smuggling networks have ties to ISIS and is worried about a notorious gangs coming up from South America including Tren De Aragua. Tren De Aragua is known for violent turf wars, dismemberment of their enemies, adaptability, and a wide range of criminal expertise. 

Thousands of criminals have been released from jails all over South America are now an American problem. According to Bloomberg News, Venezuela got a lot safer, and violent deaths per 100,000 residents are the lowest it's been since 2001. This decrease is mainly attributable to Venezuela sending thousands of its worst criminals to our southern border. There are dreadful headlines like the murder of Laken Riley, and the actual crime statistics of illegals are hard to find. Some people claim sanctuary cities keep them under wrap. But the fear of a potential tsunami of crime is palpable. It is also harder to know if they committed a crime because they are not vetted, identified, or in any databases. 

By some estimates, 20 million or more people have come into the country; there is no accurate count. The Biden Administration was just caught flying in 320,000 illegals from South America to 43 undisclosed airports. They won't tell you where, because it's a "National Security Issue". Of course, it is a National Security issue. Who are these chosen persons, why have their location secret, what could they be planning, do they have special military training? One can surmise this is important by how quickly it is dropped from the news. Are these sleeper cells being hidden right under our noses, waiting for a signal from an unknown commander to perform some act of terror or industrial sabotage?  

The Center for Immigration Studies (their motto: Low immigration, Pro immigrant) reports that over 44,000 Chinese nationals have crossed the border. Many with the same clothes, the same military haircuts, and tattoos. 44,000, which is the equivalent of 44 combat-sized battalions. Imagine what that would look like if they stormed Santa Monica's beaches. According to the NY Post, more Chinese are entering illegally than Mexicans near the San Diego border. Rebecca Grant, Ph.D., an independent national security analyst at IRIS, acknowledges that some of these Chinese nationals are here for a chance at a better life. However, she believes many could be here to spy on the US and report back to Beijing, which is the smallest amount of harm she can imagine. Experts are warning that this is a grave security risk. "We know that China is using everything they have, every bit of espionage, to spy on our military and our high technology," said Grant. "And we know China's government is not our friend, so this dramatic upswing, I think it could definitely present a potential national security risk," she said. 

If 20 million people have come here, that is more than the population of Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, and Utah combined. That's more than the population of 45 states; only 5 states have more than 20 million residents. If this is not some invasion, the nefarious reason for the population influx is to create a new supermajority. Due to its well-known population exodus, California is scheduled to lose additional congressional representation. But if California ends up with a couple million more illegal immigrants, who are counted in the national census the same as citizens, California could add representatives. Other states that seem to vote only in a Democratic way could also help create a supermajority, one-party State. The purposeful creation of a new supermajority is not idle speculation because, on March 7th, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order to allow felons and illegal Aliens the ability to register to vote. The proponents of a borderless future expect the migrants to politically support them and vote for the democratic party in perpetuity. 

It is going to be near impossible to keep this endless parade of illegal immigration and homeless subsidies and benefits going because the City, the County, the State, and the Federal Government are functionally broke. The City of Los Angeles faces a budget defect of $500 million and a $1.4 billion pension shortfall. The County of Los Angeles Chief Accounting Officer has a $1.3 billion budgetary hole, The State is minus $70 Billion and counting, and the Federal deficit is growing by $1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion) every 90 days. The Feds may be able to print money, but the inflation that causes will never allow the administrative state to catch up. As the economy continues to unwind, the unsustainable will not be sustained. Once the free stuff runs out, there are only two options: one will have the illegal aliens returning to their former homes, or the other the migrants will be turning to crime to survive. This situation is fraught with gang wars and vigilantism. 

The so-called migrants that are coming here are not coming to become Americans. They don't know the first thing about that. They are coming for benefits like free housing, free food, free health care, and free money, and we are paying higher taxes to support them. Isn't it a sharp poke in the eye that the lawbreaking migrants are getting much better treatment than the homeless and our veterans, who are actual citizens? Treating illegal migrants better than citizens is an obscenity when so many Americans are working two jobs and struggling to make ends meet. It is time to shut down the border and make America safe again. 

(Eliot Cohen has been on the Neighborhood Council, serves on the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council, and is President of Homeowners of Encino. Eliot retired after a 35-year career on Wall Street. Eliot is a critic of the stinking thinking of the bureaucrats and politicians that run the State, County, and City. Eliot and his wife divide their time between L.A. and Baja Norte, Mexico.  Eliot is a regular contributor to CityWatchLA.com – [email protected])