Sun, Feb

Trump and the GOP: Deceit, Lies, Dishonor, and Treason


MY TURN-If you talk to anyone from a variety of other countries on the topic of Trump and his wacko supporters, you will get just about the same opinion: They think that Americans have lost their minds.

For those of us who possess critical thinking and do NOT support the Trump and Republican agenda of racism, bigotry, sexism and hate, it goes beyond just embarrassment, and enters the realm of complete and total disgust. 

For the first time, many Americans are ashamed of our country. We are ashamed of the people that follow this idiocy as well as those that were too lazy or picky to stand up and vote to keep this from happening. We wake up every morning with the hope that this was just a bad nightmare, only to find infantile tweets and behavior of those in the White House while they break every law that once insured some level of respect for our government. We always knew that the Republicans were so busy obstructing that they had no idea how to actually “lead,” but the extent they have gone to become so spineless as to allow and even endorse this kind of illegal and yes, immoral actions in the WH are beyond appalling. 

No Democrat would have ever been allowed to do even one one-hundredth of what is being done in the government today. Heck, if you look back to President Obama, Fox and their right wingnut reporting were criticizing him for wearing a tan suit (which many Presidents had done before him) and his selection of Grey Poupon mustard. President Clinton was impeached for a sexual impropriety involving two consenting adults, which had no bearing on government functionality, and yet he continued to be one of the best Presidents the country has ever had. Both Clinton and Obama came in after Republicans nearly destroyed the country and they cleaned up the mess, leaving our economy and international relationships strong. 

The GOP, Trump and the hate-filled supporters have destroyed every vestige that promotes promise for “we the people” and the country. They have decimated the educational system, protection for the planet, the preserved areas of the U.S., equality in hiring, the medical health system, international relations with our allies, and trade. In exchange, they have convinced their idiot followers that Russia, our historical enemy, is a friend and everyone else is an enemy. 

Russian Operatives Have Been Patient and the Oligarchs have Lots of Money 

We should have seen the treason coming with the sudden change in Russia-friendly focus prior to the GOP convention. The meetings with the oligarchs, the hidden money, and the pro-Russia stance was a huge red flag. But when it comes to elections, there was a sense of naivety among both the Democrats and the American people. There was disbelief that any single person or any country could launch such a huge cyber and financial attack that would ultimately alter the election results. 

Vladimir Putin and the Russian oligarchs took great care in studying how Americans “tick.” The goal of greed under any circumstances seemed to be the main theme and finding candidates that complied with that ideology was incredibly easy. Almost every Republican fell into that arena and when you add hate-organizations such as the NRA, the money flowed with no end in sight. This guaranteed that each GOP member elected would ignore any and all problems that might arise and when the ultimate downfall of the United States as we know it occurs, they would be the people with the offshore accounts who would quickly flee to other countries. 

The Russians also knew of the absolute blind hate that could be easily stirred among the idiots and morons. These are the people who have been watching Fox/Breitbart/Sinclair for years and, between the propaganda and lack of history or education, they were easy prey. This was a longer-term plan that was configured by Rupert Murdock and supported by President Reagan. I cover this topic in my article: “How Fox Brainwashed Conservative America.” 

Each of these pieces were carefully planned in a well-organized setting of deceit. The Russians knew that “greed” would win above all and when wrapped in a flag with hands clutching a Christian bible, history has shown that this format succeeds. Every single fascist regime based its rise on a small yet loud portion of the disgruntled in society combined with brainwashing. They depend on the silence and complacency of all others and it appears that this worked yet again in the U.S. 

Russian and Macedonian purveyors of fake news launched such hate-filled campaigns against Hillary Clinton that the mainstream media picked up on it and actually helped Trump win with unfettered air time. The Russians took advantage of the lack of common sense in both the extreme left and extreme right, feeding them the same false stories. The right bought into it because they want to blame someone/anyone else for the problems that they created in their lives; the left believed this because they take pride in being “purists,” refusing the system or anyone that doesn’t comply with their entitled views of the world. It was a perfect storm to elect someone as ill-gotten as Trump. 

I wrote a previous article“Conservatives and BernieBots Duped by the Russians: Congrats — You are Now Toast.” 

“The conservatives that support Trump have exposed some of the vilest and disgusting behavior. Nothing seems to be bad enough or low enough for them to walk away from their support. They ignore the fact that Trump has replaced professional and knowledgeable people in the administration with those that hate the departments they are put in charge of, all the while, profiting in every aspect of activity. Greed, sexual misconduct, lying and vindictive vengeance are part and parcel of everything that they accept in their idea of ‘normal.’ 

Both of these side are participating in cult behavior and as we are finding out with the reveal of the Russian influence, they were “played” based on their own stupidity.” 

Wake Up America — We Are Seeing the Country Fall 

The U.S. has always had a tumultuous history. Our country has been filled with dichotomies, unusual situations, and a mixture of cultures and religions. However, those wanting to cling onto the rather sick belief that “white America” is what has made us strong, are ignoring the fact that it is our diversity that has allowed our Democratic experiment to succeed. Their slanted and spun view of returning-to-the-past is one of their own making and not a reality, but both Republicans and Libertarians have latched onto that concept. By throwing a little hate and vengeance into the mix, they have crafted a scenario to blame all non-Christians and people of color for every ill that affects their lives. We have seen this before in pre-fascist Italy and Germany. However, those who follow the Trump/GOP agenda have no knowledge of this history. 

There is a current wave of complete and total vomit-filled emotion that is sweeping the nation. All of those who fought and died for the so-called honor and dignity of the country have had their graves spat upon by the Republicans, Trump and their Orc supporters. They wave flags around in a hyper-nationalistic manner, in the same way that the Brown Shirts of the past have done, and are the truest definitions of hypocrites. 

The only thing that is keeping a majority of Americans from storming the White House with pitch forks, tar/feathers and even guillotines is the single hope of the Mueller investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a registered Republican, has maintained the integrity that he has taken pride in throughout his entire life. Beyond party, he truly believes in due process of law and it is in this that we hold a tenuous strand that is keeping the country from falling apart. 

We know that the Republicans and Trump were bought and paid for with bags of Rubles and that they have absolutely no care for either the United States or the people. If we believe in all that we hold true, if we trust that our system will work as designed, we should see all of them end up in prison. 

If this doesn’t happen, there will be such a loud cry from all the true Americans that the world will be aghast.


(S. Novi is a journalist who worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises. This piece first appeared on Medium.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.