Thu, Mar

Metro Leadership Roasted: Scathing Critique Calls Out Mismanagement, Waste, and Lack of Accountability


MY THOTS - I hope everyone had a Happy Turkey day--and no organization better represents a better group of Turkeys than the current Metro leadership--complete with stuffing. Please watch this video as once again it tells you nothing you don't know already--and continues to refrain from being candid and open with the public.  

There is zero hope and no funds for any heavy rail option---they know it will cost more than $2B a mile (funds they don't have and will never get from the Federal Government) (real cost with delays et al will cost more than $40B) and will take, as I've said before, more than 20 years to build and will be obsolete before its finished--but why would the public be made aware of that--when Metro can continue to misrepresent, lie, mislead and be furtive in their communications. It behaves like a rogue organization.  Metro's project manager for the STC--Peter Carter--who in my opinion--is a blithering, babbling idiot----did say in a public  meeting--"we don't look at cost because it could affect our decision"--he would not even answer a question asked by someone on the call whether any of the proposed alternatives could be finished by the Olympics---answer is they can't--even his goldfish knows the answer to that--but there's no point being candid when no one will hold you accountable. Did anyone bother to tell this fool that both the city and state are broke. To add to this--the Bel Air community has residents who are friends with Elon and Vivek and their new Department of Government Efficiency--and they will have a field day with the incompetent buffoons at Metro.

The Environmental Impact Report due early next year is more than 3 years late---but note carefully--Mr. Crump says the public will have 60 days to comment on the report---what that comment shows is that Metro has no interest in the Public's comments--5 years to write a report and 60 days to analyze it----wow---if you are reading this you should be outraged --because that conduct is indicative to the lack of interest Metro has in the public's comments. (parenthetically my friends in Sacramento tell me that the least open and transparent of all the Metro agencies in the state of California is the one in Los Angeles)---and Metro's answer to every FOI request is that fundamentally everything they do is privileged so no need to provide the public with real answers to any information requests ---this is from years of not holding Metro's leadership accountable--and not having any business people doing appropriate oversight for that agency. The Mayor has 4 picks and has not put one businessperson on the board--it’s not that the appointees aren't well meaning---but they all have day jobs and do not have the requisite knowledge to provide appropriate oversight for this inept and incompetent public organization--which continues on their course of squandering public funds whenever possible.  Aside from the agency paying for a full time personal photographer to take pictures of Stephanie doing very  little other than managing the board--she is open to sending you wallet size photos of her should any of you be interested---they actually discussed spending money for extra security because they assumed I was coming to a public meeting---I guess because I live in Bel Air they assumed I was going to flagellate them with designer pasta--these people are nothing short of living excuses for capable executives. The chairs they sit on at least have a purpose.

This agency does deserve a theme song--and it applies to all of the public who needs to use Metro and for all of us who actually try to interact with them---it’s by Eric Church--"Put a drink in my hand"---I could not have said it better.

(Fredric D. Rosen is a retired Businessman who has served on multiple corporate (both public and private) and charitable boards. He was Ticketmaster's CEO for 16 years and was responsible for making it the leading ticket company in the world.)