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Tips on How to Write a Sports Event Review


GUEST COMMENTARY - Sports event review writing is a whole separate genre. Such pieces have to follow concrete goals and a clear structure while also being informative and somewhat entertaining.

Sure, it’s not the easiest work to master on the first try. Perhaps that’s why many colleges love testing their students with such assignments. That’s also the reason why most students go straight to paperwriter reviews when seeing such an assignment in their curriculum.

Still, writing a sports event review can be either the most fun you’ve ever had on the assignment or become one of the greatest challenges in school. Regardless of your view or love for sports, any student can still write a great event review by following several simple tips. So, let’s see how to accomplish a perfect sports event review.

Pick the event

Sometimes your teachers can give you a specific event to review, and there is nothing you can do about that. However, quite often, students are left with the event choice on their own. You can use such freedom to your advantage. For instance, if you are already a sports fan, you may know what to write about right away. Writing about the sport you already know and love is ideal. Now you don’t have much research to do.

However, not all students have a favorite sport. Plus, it can be out of season at the time of the assignment. So, in such a case, you need to make a smart choice. First, consider asking your teacher for some tips. They've given you the assignment, so they may know what will work best here. Also, see what your peers are doing. Maybe there is a big match coming up you don’t know about. Perhaps, there are some local competitions between smaller teams on the weekend you can watch.

Overall, choose your event wisely. It should give you plenty of things to write about. Yet, you should know the sport to make precise and valuable points.

Make notes during the event

All journalists know the importance of a pen and a notebook. They keep them close at all times, especially during special events. Though, these days, such items are easily replaced by smartphones. Anyway, any device for making notes will be essential during the event. You have to note everything you see and find it important and interesting. Plus, you may have your own thoughts during certain moments that are worth writing down. Further, they will help you improve your review, making it more personal and exciting.

Finally, you shouldn't rely on your memory for work like that. Sports events are packed with emotions. Even if you are not a fan, you can’t escape feeling the general mood in the stadium, arena, etc. Such emotions will interfere with your thinking and memory, making it hard to recall small but helpful details for the review. Thus, you may start panicking during writing, wondering what followed what, whether it’s time to get help, wondering, “is writemypapers legit to entrust them with my review?” Yet, simple note-taking can prevent such panic.

Follow the classic structure

The fact that you’re writing a sports review doesn’t change much in terms of structure. You still need an introduction, main body, and conclusion. However, the content of those parts may vary slightly from what you are used to. So, to begin, start by mentioning the name of the event, the date, and the basic summary of what has happened. For instance, the latter may include the final score or some highlights of the event.

Next, go into further details about the game/event. Briefly mention the surroundings and atmosphere around the game. Perhaps, remind readers of the previous score or the outcomes of the last competition. Mention the stakes of the event for the team/competitors. Include the general expectations from the event. Though, keep such data brief and on point. A common mistake here will be taking a detour to the history of the sports, explaining common rules of the sports, or giving too much unnecessary information of other sorts.

Finally, go through the best moments of the events. These are the ones that changed the course of the event. Perhaps, they were the least or most expected. Write how they were done, received, and what followed. Again, don’t try to explain those moments in detail. A simple fact and a sentence or two to explain it will be sufficient.

Lastly, end with a conclusion where you repeat the final results of the event. You may elaborate a little on the meaning of such results if it’s applicable. Also, consider mentioning when the next game/competition takes place and what will be at stake there.


It goes without saying that editing is the key to your future success. First, you need to find all the small errors and types you made. Secondly, it’s the last opportunity to fact-check your sources, quotations, etc. Lastly, by the time you move to editing, some professional reviews may already appear online. So, you may also read some of those, make a comparison, and see what you may be missing in your work. Though, be careful about it and don’t just copy things blindly. Also, a plagiarism check will be a good final touch, just in case. 

(Amanda Robertson is a writer and creative copywriter specializing in product descriptions and blog articles to improve customer engagement and boost business.)