Mon, Mar

A Wonderful Day


ERIC PREVEN'S NOTEBOOK - Jonathan Groat, Deputy City Attorney: Caller which items would you like to speak to?      

Smart Speaker:  Yeah it's Eric Preven.  Good afternoon.  I'd like to speak on the available items as well as the general public comment but before I do Groat, can you address why items 10 and 11 are on the agenda?   

Jonathan Groat, Deputy City Attorney:  So the items that are open for public comment are items 1 through 16 items 34 and 35 items 37 through 56, and items 10 and 11 from last Friday. So you have three minutes for the items and one minute for general public comment. Your time starts now.    

Smart Speaker: Thank you. Why are 10 and 11 from Friday on the agenda? I remember that Glenn Ballard item which I'm speaking on now so you can respond.  I commented about the Vacation of City Property corruption in general on Hostile Friday.

"Go forth and serve the city well."


Jonathan Groat, Deputy City Attorney: This is your time to speak. Speak.      

Smart Speaker: Okay oh thank you. Okay, so that confirms it's because of the brutal attack on the people. Let's find Glenn Ballard is a wonderful songwriter. I want you to know that in the category of recording just this last year Mr. Ballard, Tony Braxton, Def Leppard, Charles Fox, Sammy Hagar, and a whole cadre including Andre Dr. Dre Young have been honored this way.  This is a lovely ritual and Hugo Soto-Martinez is trying to do something, you know to change that whatever.  I hope that lunatic is not proposing a decent restroom component to millions of tourists descending on Hollywood.  Jk, that would be a good idea. 

“Metro Restrooms by Hugo!” 

Here we have another $400 item for the Muslim festival. I like that Mr. De Leon has partnered up. It's not easy to partner up, when you are scorned the way Mr.  De Leon has been — yet he managed to rope in sad sack Bob Blumenfield to embrace Islam, of all people.  

But what I noted here is that they’re not just lighting up city hall but, this one outlines a plan to also illuminate the 6th street viaduct.  Impressive. Correct me if I am wrong but the 6th Street viaduct has not been illuminated recently because of another in a series of humiliating and embarrassing but also lucrative copper heists, presided over by Kevin De Leon. 

He’s been personally handling this… so obviously the F in the window is right there.     

I don't know. I would say, instead of lighting up city hall, how about branded handbags each individually designed for the treasured partner being honored?   Like for example for today’s Muslim festival, we could have on one side some kind of Ramadan or EID-themed element and on the other,  the 15 sacred signatures of the highest-paid city council in California.  Just brainstorming … it seems like a waste of resources, lighting up city hall and not really notifying anyone. No disrespect to the clerk or whoever thought this one up, but this is nuts.  If we are going to the trouble let’s make it clear to Angelenos — Blumenfield will you please make an announcement?  Thank you. 

Now as for your liquor license items.  Shame on all of you. This is one of the greatest tragedies ongoing and we could do so much more to improve things, but here you are rolling out more licenses.   Why the hell not? 

And by the way, anybody who just shouted out, this is your first and final warning.  And no interrupting, Mr. Groat.   

Now as for the Korean festival street banner I want to thank Groat and Krekorian. And Holly J. Mitchell, who earlier today over at the county, has been filling the big shoes of Mark Ridley-Thomas, adopted a Korean intern.  

The Korean festival is so important and the Korean American community is so civically engaged. The street banner is nice but what Supervisor Mitchell is doing is far more engaging.  She’s actually bringing in-house a real-life intern from Korea!   Altogether,  she introduced fourteen rather impressive college interns ranging from community colleges, the Ivy League, Cal State everything, UC everything… and naturally, HBCUs are also represented. These kids are young and healthy, this is an elite team of aspiring bureaucrats. 

By the way, you know does a very good job with interns?   Harvard Westlake. These mofos are not playing.  

They will stick an intern anywhere, in the Whitehouse, On Broadway, at a Veterinarian office in Malibu… ANYWHERE. Even Paul Krekorian’s office.  Remember... the Ethics Commission has the entire email chain if you go to the year I ran for CD2.  It was called a Tale of Two Cities because it showed how differently the Save Studio City people were treated as compared to Harvard Westlake.  White Glove service is not too strong. Krekorian’s office bent over backward so far that the back of their heads practically touched the ground — 

Jonathan Groat, Deputy City Attorney:  Speak to the agenda items.  

Smart Speaker:  Thank you, Groat.  I will do whatever I choose with my time.   See "It's a Wonderful Day" below for a window onto the white glove service, Adrin Nazarian intends to deliver... and has always delivered."   

Okay now I'm going to Friday, the reconsideration of items 10 and 11 so pay attention. The reason why these are being reconsidered is because the Brown Act provides that people can speak on items that are in front of the council.  When you mix up the rules and we'll get to 56 in a minute, so that, you’re doing so — 

Jonathan Groat, Deputy City Attorney:  Your time on the items has expired. You have one minute for general public comment that starts now. Go ahead.    

Smart Speaker:  I have one minute to bring it home. Okay, thank you. Well, good job interrupting me there.  I was just saying that -- you bastard you really should be frogmarched right out of this hall. That is such an appalling thing to do - to interrupt when a person is in the middle of a thought.   

Item 56 is Krekorian giving designated authority to anybody to sign for him when he's away collecting Olympics money improperly as he heads for the door.  Inappropriate.  

Obviously, changing signature authority should be a council rule amendment as Mr. Quan referenced.  This council just do whatever they want and if you have any questions you can speak with Hugh Esten, the maestro of malfeasance who has advised Krekorian on these crazy rules.  What an unbelievable shocker and I wanted to say one thing about John Lee Staffer B and the YMCA of Greater Metropolitan Los Angeles.  Please, I am blowing the whistle, get in there and look at the way these lifeguards are stranded in Part-time-islands and underpaid and can’t by design get any health care at all. In LA County?  Get in here, Davenport!   These YMCA lifeguards need your help, please. They need a Shero, Mr. Lee. They need someone to stand up for them and protect them.  I know the crooked leadership at the Y- who we cleaned out has already grown back.  Does the YMCA stand up a good fundraiser, of course they do, but these lifeguards gotta eat!  

Paul Krekorian, Council District Two, chair:  Thank you. We'll take one more caller. Thank you your time is expired. Next caller, please. We'll take one more caller.


"Please pay the YMCA LIfeguards decently. Thx. Best, Whistleblower"


Four F*&^ing Items:

Smart Speaker. Thank you it's Eric Preven from Studio City, and I very much appreciate this  LGBTQ+ survey, this series of surveys has revealed a lot of stuff and I think the idea of making an experience with the county a quality experience of being respected and getting services. Good idea.  I do not like hearing about a quagmire of services not being delivered. And CBOs wanting to stand up services but bogging down on -- I think we need to get Davenport in on this urgently, with the sleeves rolled up and, I echo what the person who said, it's not really the job of CBOs to supplant the government, but rather to support and augment it.  That's the right idea,  I was thinking, maybe we should be doing recognition at the top of the show for the LGBTQ+ population like we do for the indigenous!  At the beginning of every meeting, because I feel like dragging it out on a policy hearing day for several hours is not enough.  For this population, we want to do it every day!  Thanks. 

Bamby Salcedo a transgender activist and a recognized public speaker participated in 3-hour policy meeting. 


Moderator: Thank you. Next speaker, please.  

Moderator: Next, Eric Preven. Please unmute and speak directly into the phone. You may begin. 

Sup. Lindsey Horvath, chair: Eric, are you there?  Eric, are you there?  

Smart Speaker: Yes, can you hear me?  

Sup. Lindsey Horvath, chair: We can now.  

Smart Speaker: Thank you. This is a tough conversation obviously, and I appreciate, you know, the meetings and the putting together the information. I do think that the chair's idea of streamlining information, you know, they called it in the old days, "talking points" so you could report to the public what is actually happening from a positive point of view. The problem is that this one -- mental health in the county  --  and this is what we have been afraid of -- there is not much positive to report. At all. So, this is very upsetting and the situation has been badly bungled for a protracted amount of time.  It is not your fault personally, although, we are all a part of a very corrupt system.  So, consequently, it is hard to leave a discussion like this without feeling disheartened. Like, "Oh, my god, what are we going to do? What are we going to do for the mentally ill population?"  

One idea, maybe those god-damned billionaires ought to get together, and try something. This is not something that can be, you know, cobbled together with half a voucher and three food stamps and a grant from Barbara Ferrer and FEMA.  The myriad rules and tricks and funding sources is insane— 

Sup. Lindsey Horvath, chair: Your time has expired. Next speaker, please.  

Moderator:  Our first participant is Angelica. Please unmute yourself and speak -- oh, she just left the queue. Our next participant is Eric Preven. Please unmute yourself and speak directly into your phone. You may begin. 

Smart Speaker: Thank you. Well, okay, so another lovely outlook as we finally are going to start making payments to CBOs in the homeless space in advance.  I think we might double-check with Monica Rodriguez of CD7 about that because she's been having a very hard time in the city getting any accountability about whether the jobs have been done once the payments have been issued.  

I do like the idea of paying on time and in advance, although you really have to know your customers. We've had some trouble with so much pent-up frustration, and so many other things to fund short term while we wait for the next pile of money.   If you asked me we are in over our heads in terms of oversight, but I think we all agree that the systems are a bloody mess.  We have to break it down to a simpler process. The multiple funding sources and blaming the other guy ethos is hurting the county brand-- Look, I don't want to be too negative. We'll see how this turns out. Great work! 

Moderator: Thank you, your time has expired. Next speaker, please.  

A Wonderful Day:

Nearly a decade ago as we emerged from May Grey and meandered through June Gloom a magnificent accommodation was provided by Council District Two under Paul Krekorian for a highly competitive private school and athletic powerhouse, Harvard Westlake.  No word if he has a kid in attendance yet.  

The residents of Council District Two and now parts of District Four can only imagine such white glove service. In the email chain obtained through the public records act, Sara Ter-Minasyan, Paul Krekorina's assistant, arranges for a student to come to city hall on Career Day to see how the wheels of Council District Two spin.   

After the spectacular visit that included a dazzling LAPD component, Sara wrote to John Amato the director of operations for the school at the time confirming an important meeting with the Council Member and copying Edgar Khalatian of Mayer Brown and a  [REDACTED CC list]. "Hi, John, Thanks so much, it was my pleasure!!  Unfortunately, I'll be here in City Hall on Thursday, but I look forward to meeting you next time (hopefully in City Hall). From our staff, Adrin Nazarian (Chief of Staff) and Karo Torossian (Planning and Land Use Deputy) will be attending the meeting. Have a wonderful day." 

Adrin Nazarian is currently running for CD2.  Karo Torossian is still the chief of staff for Paul Krekorian and Edgar Khalatian [REDACTED CC LIST] is still Edgar Khalatian of Mayer Brown. 

Karo himself gets credit for setting up the big meeting (following four years of contributions from Trustees) that led to the betrayal of all CD2 and many CD4 residents.  He also gets credit for wanting to jump into the imported swimming pool with the influential Trustees. "Hi, John, it's been my pleasure to help and look forward to seeing the pool project completed and it sounds like a very cool pool. Let me know when it is here. I would like to see how it is put into place and may be interested in taking a dip when it is done. lol. [REDACTION] As for meeting with the Councilmember I am passing your email to Sara who handles all the scheduling for the Councilmember." 

5/30  Gregory O'Leary (HW) to  John Amato, Sara Ter-Minasyan   10:50 am 

"Thanks, John! And thank you, Sara!  Sara, Career Day is scheduled for June 7, and in terms of timing, we're completely happy to work around you guys and your schedule. We would have the student come to you at the time and place that works best for you. Let me know if I can help with anything else.  Greg" 

5/30  Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'Leary (HW) John Amato 10:54 am 

"Thank you, and approximately how many students?" 

5/30  Gregory O'Leary (HW) to  John Amato, Sara Ter-Minasyan 10:56 am 

"Just one!" 

5/30  Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'Leary (HW) John Amato 10:57 am 

"Got it, thanks! I'll get right back to you." 

5/30  Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan   1:26pm 

Thank you! 

5/31  Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan   2:15pm 

"Hi, Sara. Just checking in.  Any update on if the Councilman has time to meet with a student on the 7th?  I appreciate the help! I'm sure you're busy! Greg" 

5/31  Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'leary (HW)  2:18pm 

"Hi Greg, so sorry for the delay, but the Councilman is out of the office today.  I'll have an answer for you by tomorrow." 

5/31  Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan   2:39pm 

"That's perfect.  Thank you so much!" 

6/1   Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'leary (HW)   1:59pm 

"Hi, Greg, June 7th works perfectly on the Councilmember's schedule, the only caveat is that he'll be in our Sunland-Tujunga field office that day.  However, I'd be happy to set this up and make it work on our end.  I currently have the 4-5 pm slot open in that office.  

The Councilman is also offering a few options for Carla, in light of Career Day.  First, the option provides her the opportunity to spend part of the day in City Hall, getting a tour of the building and meeting/speaking with our team, ending with a meeting with the Councilmember in our Sunland-Tujunga office.  The second option would provide her the opportunity to accompany the Councilmember at his 2 pm event where he will present the Foothill PD with new cameras, and then meet with the Councilmember in the Sunland-Tujunga office.  The third option would be to just set up a meeting for Carla with the Councilmember in our Sunland-Tujunga office.  Please let me what works best.  Thanks!" 

6/1  Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan   3:02pm 

"Wow!  Thank you, Sara.  I spoke with the student and option one would be great! 'First option provides her the opportunity to spend part of the day in City Hall, getting a tour of the building and meeting/speaking with our team, ending with a meeting with the Councilmember in our Sunland-Tujunga office.'   So I guess now I just need to know what time she should report to City Hall and if there are specific instructions about parking and entry to the building.  Thank you so much for all your help!" 

6/1   Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'leary (HW)   3:10pm 

Wonderful!! We look forward to having her here.  She can get here by 10 am and I'll have parking set for her in the City Hall East lot, located at 201 N. Los Angeles St. downtown LA 90012.  In order to set up parking I'll need the following info: vehicle make, model, color, and license plate#    Her meeting with the Councilman is set for 4 pm in our Sunland Tujunga field office, located at 7747 Foothill Blvd, Tujunga CA 91042     Would she also like to accompany the Councilman to his presentation at the Foothill Police Department happening at 2 pm (in S-T)?   Thanks.  

6/4   Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan   8:41am 

Yes, that sounds great she'd love to go to the presentation at the Police Department! Thank you!  I will send her vehicle information ASAP. 

6/4   Sara Ter-Minasyan to  Gregory O'leary (HW)  9:20am 

Hi Sara.  Here is the vehicle information  The student's name is _____ ______. 


6/4   Sara Ter-Minasyan to Yolanda Ramos  11:04am 

"Yolie, can you please arrange parking for Carla, she'll be in on Thursday at 10 am. Thanks." 

6/4   Sara Ter-Minasyan to Gregory O'leary (HW)  11:05am 

"Thank you, we'll have it set for her.  I'll send you the details of Carla's schedule very soon.  Thank you for your help with this. Sara." 

6/4   Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan 11:06am 

"Thank YOU!  This all sounds amazing." 

6/4  Sara Ter-Minasyan to Gregory O'Leary (HW), Jeremy Oberstein, Matt Hale 2:55 pm 

Here's a schedule for your and Carla's reference: 

Thursday, June 7, 2012 

10 am

arrive at City Hall

location: 200 N. Spring St. Rm. 435 Los Angeles, 90012 

Park in City Hall East lot: 201 N. Los Angeles, Downtown LA 90012 

12 pm

Lunch w/ staff

City Hall Office 

2 pm

Camera Presentation @ Foothill Area Police Station w/ Councilmember Paul Krekorian

location: 12760 Osborne St. Pacoima, CA 91331 (Foothill Area Police Station Rollcall room) 

4 pm 

Meeting with Councilmember Paul Krekorian

location:  Sunland Tujunga office: 7747 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga CA 91402  

Following the 2 pm presentation, Carla is more than welcome to go to our Sunland-Tujunga field office and join the staff there, until her meeting with the Councilman.  Thank you again and please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns.

Best, Sara 

/4  Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan  2:56pm 

"Thank you!" 

6/6   Sara Ter-Minasyan to Gregory O'Leary, Matt Hale 

"Hi, Greg, Just confirming Carla's visit to our City Hall office for tomorrow!  Could you please send me Carla's cell number (if she has one) or a contact number I can list for her?  Also, could you please provide us with some background information on Carla:  what grade she's in, her interests, hobbies etc? Thanks." 

6/6   Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan  2:58pm 

"Hi, Sara.  We're all set for tomorrow!  Carla is a junior, a musician, and a great kid.  I need to get permission from the family before I can give out a student's phone number.  Let me check and get back to you.  If there is a problem at all tomorrow, I will be in the office to help with coordination.  My number is [REDACTED] 

6/6   Sara Ter-Minasyan to Gregory O'leary  3:02pm 

"No problem at all, I can list yours. Carla will be driving herself to Sunland-Tujunga, right?  Thank you." 

6/6   Gregory O'leary (HW) to  Sara Ter-Minasyan 

"That is correct!" 

6/8  Sara Ter-Minasyan to John Amato, Gregory O'leary    Re  Thank you! 

"Hi, John and Greg,

Thank you so much for these flowers and for the great treats for the Councilmember.  You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble!  It was a pleasure working with you and hosting Carla for Career Day, I hope she had a terrific time!  Best Regards, Sara Ter-Minasyan" 

6/8  John Amato to Sara Ter-Minasyan 

"Sara,  Let's just say it is a thank you for all you do for us and the Council Office.  You are so easy to work with... 

Have a great weekend. John" 

6/12  Sara Ter-Minasyan to John Amato, Edgar Khalatian  [REDACTED CC list] 

"Hi, John,

Just confirming your meeting with Councilmember Krekorian for this Thursday 6/14 at 11:30 am. The meeting is scheduled to take place in our North Hollywood office: 6350 Laurel Cyn. Blvd. Set. 201 North Hollywood, 91606 

Will there be any other attendees, aside from yourself and Edgar?  Also, may I list you as the cell phone contact? Thanks. Sara Ter-Minasyan" 

6/12  John Amato to Sara Ter-Minasyan, Edgar Khalatian  [REDACTED CC list] 

"Sara,  Edgar, and I will be on your North Hollywood Field Office doorstep, along with Renee Schillaci from Greer Dailey, at 11:30 on Thursday morning.  Please use my cell phone contact number.    Thank you very much for making this all happen so smoothly, and also for your help with placing our Career Day student. Could you tell me what other members of the Councilman's staff will attend the meeting?  I am looking forward to finally meeting you on Thursday.  Best, John Amato Vice President  Harvard Westlake School  700 North Faring Rd.  Los Angeles, CA 90077" 

6/12  Sara Ter-Minasyan to John Amato, Edgar Khalatian  [REDACTED CC list] 

"Hi, John,  Thanks so much, it was my pleasure!!  Unfortunately, I'll be here in City Hall on Thursday, but I look forward to meeting you next time (hopefully in City Hall).  From our staff, Adrin Nazarian (Chief of Staff) and Karo Torossian (Planning and Land Use Deputy) will be attending the meeting.  Have a wonderful day." 

6/12  John Amato to Sara Ter-Minasyan 

"Too bad, my misfortune.  And you as well.  John" 

(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch. )