Sat, Jul

Pit-Bulls Lead in Dog Attacks in 2018, CA Insurance Costs Soar, and LA May Increase Dog Limit

ANIMAL WATCH-New figures were just released and Los Angeles is still the No. 2 city in the nation in dog attacks on U.S. Postal mail carriers, as LA Animal Services GM  Brenda Barnette, Councilmen Paul Koretz and the puppet LA Animal Services’ Commission move toward increasing the three-dog-per-property limit in order to dump more “challenged” Pit-Bull-type dogs in adoptive homes that believe the Best Friends' claim that the Pit Bull Terrier is a Nanny Dog. 

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Pit Bulls, Dog Fighting and ‘Bait Dog’ Hype in LA

ANIMAL WATCH-There have been no dog-fighting convictions in the city of Los Angeles since Brenda Barnette was appointed as General Manager of Los Angeles Animal Services in 2010, according to a member of the Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Task Force, which is now part of LA Police Department. The felony charges upheld against Arnett William Counts and Walter Citizen was the last successful trial in 2008. 

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