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XL Pit Bulls Kill Owner, 26, in San Diego Park as Son Watches – Where is the Public Outrage?


ANIMAL WATCH - On December 13, 2024, three XL Bullies—extra-large Pit Bulls—weighing on average between 80 to 120 lbs.—violently killed their owner in a Mira Mesa public park, in San Diego, CA, and also injured a man who attempted to intervene as the victim’s son and other children and adults watched, the San Diego Tribune reported. 

San Diego officials identified the dog owner as 26-year-old Pedro Luis Ortega.  Video reportedly showed Ortega walking in the park with the dogs two hours before the savage attack near the children’s playground.

This incident also occurred directly in front of a grammar school. If there had been students being dropped off or picked up at that time, does San Diego have a plan to get police officers and animal control/humane officers immediately dispatched to assure public and student safety in the future? 

Although a memorial is being planned for the owner of the dogs after they killed him, is there also a Citywide meeting scheduled to discuss what action the County will take as the population of these increasing-popular dogs increases? 

This must include decisions about special provisions for taking large dogs into a children’s playground area or within a certain number of feet at a school.  

Are there sufficient, properly equipped emergency response teams available to respond to an ongoing mauling of one or more persons by one or more XL Pit Bulls?

There was no reason given for owning three aggressive dogs and why he took them, improperly controlled, to a children’s playground.  When are these issues going to be investigated?

England:  Ban on XL Bullies – Not Showing Positive Results Yet, but a Beginning

Rapper charged after Grandmother killed by two XL Bullies in first case of its kind since Ban passed

A grandmother killed in an attack by a drill rapper's reportedly unregistered XL Bully dogs was trying to calm their puppies with a broom before she was killed, it has been claimed.

Esther Martin was visiting her 11-year-old grandson when she was attacked by the massive dogs on Saturday, named Beauty and Bear.

Charges were made against Rapper for having unregistered XL Bullies on February 5, 2024.   

Mother Wrestles with Family’s Pit Bull as he Shook Her Baby ”Like a Rag Doll” 

A headline on the U.K Sun newpaper reported that a December 12,2024, attack, “Wrestling with the jaws of a rampaging XL Bully, a mother desperately battled to free her eight-month-old baby girl as the dog "picked her up like a rag doll and shook her.” (See photo of dog alleged to be a “pure” XL Bully below:

A baby girl was "picked up like a rag doll and shaken" by her family's huge XL Bully (shown above) named Hunter.

Wrestling with the jaws of a rampaging XL Bully, a mother desperately battd to free her eight-month-old baby girl.

The infant remains fighting for her life after being airlifted from a property in Siskin Close, Hawkinge, Kent.



Gilana Milner (above) says she feels lucky to be alive after she was attacked by an XL Bully and had to undergo surgery. Gilana, 19, was working in an animal rescue center when the dog, Hugo, lunged at her while she was changing his water bowl. The huge dog dragged her to the floor - mauling her chest and leg - and staff had to fight him off when he refused to unclamp his jaws.  

(See entire page of recent attacks in UK with gruesome photos here.)



On February 1, it became illegal to own an American Bully XL dog in England and Wales without a certificate of exemption. They must be kept on a lead and muzzled in public places and it s illegal to breed or sell them.

The ban was brought in after a number of high-profile cases in which people were killed by the breed - including that of Ian Price, who died trying to protect his elderly mother from two crazed XLs who had escaped from a neighbor's window in Staffordshire.

On February 1, 2025, it became illegal to own an American Bully XL dog in England and Wales without a certificate of exemption. They must be kept on a lead and muzzled in public places and it's illegal to breed or sell them.

The ban was brought in after a number of high-profile cases in which people were killed by the breed - including that of Ian Price, who died trying to protect his elderly mother from two crazed XLs who had escaped from a neighbour's window in Staffordshire.

Judging from reports of increased breeding, prices up to $5,000 per dog for XL Bully pups..


A few years ago, there would have been an immediate outcry by parents and others concerned about the safety of communities amidst this growing epidemic of tragedies involving XL Bullys. 

Politicians would have been threatened by groups of property owners and voters for not taking action to make the public safe, whether or not these dogs are being properly maintained ,and, if necessary, impose severe restrictions and penalties on ownership of breeds with records of violent, and especially fatal, attacks In this case,parents of school-age children would demand the San Diego Humane Society and Animal Control officers examine the manner in which the dogs are being kept and treated and why there has not been at least notification of any action or policy changes since the attack to assure there is no further danger to the  students and community..


There is apparently no evidence that more dogs will be on the property but can neighbors be assured without the City informing the neighborhood and instructing what to watch for to assure their families are safe from any future activity at this residence involving any dogs. 

(See Dogsbite.org for the latest published reports on dog attacks and breeds involved.) 


Voicing public concerns has now been diverted from direct actions in the neighborhood to ban or just restrict any breed is now subject to the decisions by   primarily the three  major US animal-welfare groups, which oppose any breed-specific restrictions. may not include consideration of the fears of residents; such as insisting there be no BSL laws (Breed-Specific Legislation) to disallow Pit Bulls in all housing, neighborhoods, cities and towns in the U.S.  (This, by the way, is a convenient accommodation for dog fighters, which always use Pit Bulls.

Now, media reports almost-daily attacks by Pit Bulls somewhere in the United States, resulting in serious injury or deaths, the inability of residents to ban any breed at the local or national level, and, too frequently, the assurance by animal “experts” that somehow the victim caused the incident, have muted emotional reactions and sensible solutions-by officials-which merely means any communication receives the perfunctory “Thank you for your concern.” 

Although it is unlikely that XL Bullies will ever be acknowledged as a “breed” because of their mixed genetic heritage, it also alarmingly appears that families are being convinced that this “all American canine” is the perfect pet for singles or families with young children. 

The links to XL Bully sites discussed in this article should be alarming to any parent, because without public demand, the profit from breeding and selling these dogs will outweigh any fear of prosecution. 

The trend to abuse and torture these dogs to insanity will mean escapes and more innocent victims mutilated—human and anima.  This is a serious on-going battle, where the only goal for Pit Bull and XL Bully breeders is profit from creating more violent dogs.


One of the main reasons Pit Bulls have become a seemingly popular pet, is the urging of animal shelters—which are filled with Pit Bulls that have already proven they are not desirable pets—and the published, passionate opinions of large and influential humane organizations that thrive on donations from a myriad of interests. One example is Best Friends Animal Society which urges on its website, “Pit Bull Terriers | Best Friends Animal Society - Save Them All.” 

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) provides a long message summarized as, “All dogs, including pit bulls, are individuals. . judging them by their actions and not by their DNA or their physical appearance is the best way to ensure that dogs and people can continue to share safe and happy lives together.” (However, if the dog’s action is to maim or kill, it is too late for that “happy life” by the victim.) 

The Humane Society of the U.S (HSUS) assures us that, “Experts have found that no breed is more likely to bite than another.” 

(This does not consider the difference in damage documented by various breeds—up to and including death.)


Pit Bulls and their sub-breeds were identified as responsible for 76% of fatal dog attacks in the U.S. between 2005 and 2019. And, a UK study uncovered that they committed 50% of dog-related fatalities between 2021 and 2023.  

These statistics prove that American Bullies are more dangerous than most other dog breeds. Rather than “aggressive,” they can be labeled “hyper-reactive,” to increase their chances for adoption (or sale). 

“BAN THE BULLYS” - Finding Kimbo  Aug 1, 2023 

Below is just the first part of a vitally important story and commentary on an XL Bully, provided by BullyWatchUK on August 1, 2023, which explains and validates the claim that most XL Bullys are aggressive by nature, regardless of how they are treated—or loved (the entire story is posted here.) 

Finding Kimbo - Aug 1, 2023 by BullyWatchUK

At Bully Watch, we began delving into the pedigrees—essentially, the family trees—of dogs from the most well-known Bully XL kennels across the UK. Our investigation steered us down a trail where one name recurrently surfaced in the lineage of numerous dogs. It was a name that has gained infamy in the United States. A name that left us speechless and sent a cold shiver down our spines. One we never expected to uncover.

The name of Killer Kimbo.  Nico

On March 25, 2014, four-year-old Mia Derouen and her 27-year-old mother, Megan Touchet, lived a typical life in their apartment complex in Houma, Louisiana. One crisp afternoon, Megan put on music, danced with Mia, watched TV, and began folding clothes. Their family dog, Nico, a 60kg Bully XL, suddenly started barking, an unusual behaviour for the normally mild-mannered two-year-old dog. When Megan investigated, Nico’s expression was unlike anything she had seen before.

Despite Nico’s history as a loyal and gentle companion, Megan instinctively felt danger. As she tried to grab Mia and step in to the safety of the bedroom, Nico, positioned in the living room, closed the distance between them with unexpected speed. Despite Megan’s attempts, Nico’s imposing frame forced its way into the room, and he focused his attack on Mia.

The subsequent events are too horrific to detail. Eventually, Megan managed to escape through the bedroom window with Mia. She handed her severely injured daughter to paramedics, who rushed her to the hospital with critical facial and head injuries. Tragically, Mia did not survive.

Police arrived to secure the apartment. Nico was shot three times from outside by officers. Undeterred, he charged at the officers as they attempted to enter the apartment, prompting them to shoot him ten more times. The officers later described the scene as “horrific”, and counselling was provided to all those affected.

To this day, Mia’s stepfather maintains there were no prior signs of aggression from Nico. He recalls the dog’s sudden and inexplicable change in demeanor as if he had been possessed by a demon. He believes that such an instant transformation could only result from aggressive traits in Nico’s bloodline. This theory is bolstered by rumors that nearly every dog from Nico’s litter would eventually be put down.

Looking at what transpired that day and what followed, he might not be far from the truth.


Nico was, by all accounts, an incredibly attractive XL Bully. He was just 20 points away from winning a category in a show organized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), the premier international kennel club for dogs of his breed. He was bred by BTM Kennels, known for breeding XL Bullies in the Baton Rouge and Houma areas. In the aftermath of Mia’s death, BTM Kennels turned their Instagram page to “private” and never again conducted business under that name.

In time, the identity of Nico’s father was uncovered.

One Killer Kimbo.  (read more here)


Pit Bulls and dog-fighting have always been part of “underground” crime.  Even before the 1970s, when the first national laws against dog fighting were introduced, and over the next few decades, as all 50 states joined in criminalizing the practice.  However, XL bullies had not been bred yet. 

Stan Rawlinson, who has been a dog trainer for 20 years, recently told MailOnline, “XL bullies are ‘wrongly wired in the head” and ‘too dangerous’ to live. The XL bully is intrinsically bad as a breed,” he said.  He blames America for creating an “evil dog” by amateurs tinkering with genetics, and now “There's a screw loose."  

Rawlinson blames the change on breeders “getting around the BSL by crossbreeding American pit bulls with Mastiffs and English bulldogs to create the "killer" XL bully.”

"They can just flip," he said. "You're talking nothing to full on and someone is dead in less than 15 seconds. You just can't stop them. These dogs can rip people's heads off."

(Phyllis M. Daugherty is a former Los Angeles City employee, an animal activist and a contributor to CityWatch.)

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