Sat, Sep

Which Side Is Manchin On?

POLITICAL WATCH - I work hard to make ends meet for my family. But as an educator in West Virginia, that’s hard sometimes — especially with child care to pay for.

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TRUMPLICANS - I grew up in canoe country, becoming a guide in the Minnesota Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness as a young man.

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Joe Manchin Is NOT a Moderate Democrat!

THE EASTSIDER - I would not care about Senator Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) except for the fact that he’s personally basking in the glory of screwing the entire United States as he plays around selling his vote.  Two recent articles explain what he really is, and it ain’t pretty. 

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The Denaissance Strikes Again: The Woke Assails Math

THE DOCTOR IS IN - You and I must cannot, nor must not, ignore the era in which we now find ourselves: in contrast to the true "Great Awakening" of the Renaissance that brought Western civilization out of the Dark Ages to combat the Great Enemy of political, religious, artistic ignorance... 

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Work or Welfare?

WORK FORCE - Throughout history, work has been the common lot of humanity—at least, outside of the idle rich and those who could not find any.

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