Wed, Feb

Rep Ilhan Omar Accused of Being a Homewrecker in Explosive Divorce Filing


INTEL REPORT--A Washington, D.C., doctor is accusing Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar of being the reason her husband left her, in explosive divorce papers she filed in D.C. Superior Court.

According to BuzzFeed, which credits the New York Post for first reporting on the filing, Dr. Beth Mynett said that as a result of her husband, political consultant Tim Mynett’s, “shocking declaration of love” for the freshman congresswoman, she is seeking a divorce.

Beth Mynett, citing the numerous threats that have been made against Omar — a very public figure and frequent Trump target — also requested primary custody of the couple’s 13-year-old son.

A son who, according to the divorce filings, was introduced to Omar on the low by Tim Mynett. At the Mynett family’s favorite eatery. While Beth Mynett was away. (Read the rest.)