Sat, Oct

Washington DC is Also Psychopath Capital


1) Researchers have developed a device that can make soldiers and vehicles disappear. It's called the Stealth Sheet. It made of bendable silicon, whatever that is. It can make something even as big as a tank invisible. I bet they got the idea from the Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak. What's the Invisibility Cloak?  Ask your children or grandchildren. This could really be great for civilians who, for whatever reason, "need" be invisible. Much more effective than a ski mask.

2) Socialist Bernie Sanders earned more than a million for the second year in a row. His much-improved income is mostly from book royalties and advances. His book, "Our Revolution" did very well. He has a new book coming out soon called "You Can Lose and Still Win." I wonder if he is still buying that "From Each According To His Ability, To Each According To His Need" nonsense. If so, 'Ol Bernie has him some "ability" now and he better get ready to hear from the "needs."

3)  Ryan Murphy, an economist at Southern Methodist University, recently published a paper which claims Washington D.C. has the most psychopaths in the U.S. He says psychopaths are attracted to the kinds of jobs available in Washington. The city offers jobs that reward raw ambition, single mindedness and stepping over a few bodies along the way. Also, psychopaths have a grandiose way of thinking of themselves. This all sure explains a lot doesn't it?

4) Angelina Rosa is suing the Houston Texans. She and her lawyer, Gloria Allred, who else, appeared at a press conference in New York. Rosa claims  the cheerleader coach applied duct tape to pull the skin on her already flat stomach even tighter. When she did the routines, it tore the skin on her stomach and was very painful. A duct-tape spokesman said "We do not condone duct-taping stomachs. However, it does work as an effective gag."

5) Italy claims France is "arrogant." Ya think? On a visit to New York anti-gun protester, David Hogg, was protected by armed guards. Of course, he was.  A Bulldog named Zsa Zsa won the World's Ugliest Dog Competition this year at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma CA.        Bulldogs seem to have a "leg up or rather a "paw up" in these competitions.

(Tom Murphy is a writer, humorist, actor, disc jockey and an occasional contributor to CityWatch. He lives in Los Angeles.)
