Fri, Sep

The Betrayal of Israel’s Historic Promise

WORLD WATCH-Over the past three decades I wrote more than two hundred articles about Israel, envisioning it to be a democratic state, independent and free, a champion of human rights, a force of unity for world Jewry, united in its citizenry, admired by its friends, envied by its detractors, and above all at peace with the Arab states and especially with the Palestinians.

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Time To Dump Netanyahu

WORLD WATCH--Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to call for an early election, scheduled to take place on April 9, was really nothing short of another political stunt that Netanyahu has masterfully learned to employ when the time is right and he is reasonably assured of another victory.

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Fake News Works Because We Yearn to Conform

DOES TRUTH MATTER?--"Almost everything we believe comes from other people," Cailin O'Connor says. As America struggles against the phenomenon of fake news  -- with its frightening ability to fracture our society and degrade our democracy—our first impulse is often to decry the reasoning skills of our fellow citizens.

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No One Can Replace Robert Mueller

WHERE’S THE BACK UP PLAN?-The Donald Trump legal team has been notably unable to escape from the shadow of its client. At every step of the way, otherwise professional lawyers start to act like the bombastic, reckless President that they are trying to keep out of prison or historical infamy.

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Loud Noises from a Bonkers Year

GUEST WORDS--During lo these long 300 years of his reign, Trump has committed crimes against many things: Empathy, decency, integrity, the rule of law, the environment and economy, the concept of orderly reasoned governance and - cue incoherence and racist, shameless, ceaseless lies - language itself. 

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Tear Gassing Children is a Crime Against Humanity

VEW FROM HERE-Soon after President Trump positioned, encouraged, and sanctioned border patrol agents to deploy tear gas against migrants on the border, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a forceful statement: “Children are uniquely vulnerable to physiological effects of chemical agents.

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