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Jim Hampton - Publisher


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CityWatchLA is an opinion publication based on the views of its writers and contributors.  We value ideological diversity and debate.  However, the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the editorial position of CityWatchLA. 

We offer and encourage those with different opinions to submit articles which we will consider running.
CityWatchLA writers’ social media accounts express personal opinions and do not reflect the official position of CityWatchLA.  We expect reporters and editors to exercise good judgment—no matter what the medium.
Some of the content in CityWatchLA may be provided by our advertisers.  This content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of CityWatchLA.
CityWatch is published to encourage grassroots civic engagement through information, ideas and perspective.

CityWatch is published 24/7 with special e-news blasts on Monday and Thursday evening, with Extras as appropriate around special events such as elections or important issues. Share it with your Neighborhood Council and other activists.

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