Sat, Mar

Universal Thumbs Nose at Court Ruling, Begins Demolition of Barham Ramp


BARHAM RAMP UPDATE—How do you spell hubris? How about U-n-i-v-e-r-s-a-l!

By now you most likely know that Universal began demolition of the ramp despite the Court's ruling. We were unprepared for this level of hubris and disregard for both the community and the Court. 

It is almost unfathomable that Universal and Caltrans have been ordered to Court to argue the merits of this case on November 6th and yet proceed to destroy the ramp in the meantime.  And do so at their own peril and expense.  

Eliminating the existing ramp six months before Harry Potter and during Hollywood Horror Nights clearly demonstrates the complete disregard and actual contempt Universal and Caltrans have for our community. 

We sincerely hope that this is a final wake up call to those Homeowner Associations who have been sitting on the sidelines in this battle. Universal’s actions clearly prove that they have no regard for the HOA’s and the community. 

PBS SoCal is featuring the Barham ramp issue on SoCal Connected this Friday, October 23rd.  They will be filming at the ramp for background on Monday at 11:30 a.m.  It is important that we have a good turnout.  If at all possible please be there and be willing to be filmed.  

The turnout was great for our meeting on Wednesday.  Attendees were most interested in some of the documents that we have found during discovery.  Those documents clearly illustrate that Universal and Caltrans knew of the importance of the Barham ramp to the community, had completed the studies calling for its closure five years ago, and through a unholy alliance with Caltrans schemed to avoid a Comprehensive Traffic Plan that would have doomed their plans. 

One final note:  Please be reminded that KTBRA has always demanded that Universal provide freeway access to our community from SB 101.  Eliminating the existing ramp only narrows the options.  It in no way changes our goal, our commitment or our eventual success. 


(John P. Strozdas is president of Keep the Barham Ramp Association. Check it out: keepthebarhamramp.com. Reach John at [email protected])




Vol 13 Issue 85

Pub: Oct 20, 2015

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