Mon, Mar

Union Coalition Members Fly First Class -- Everyone Else Comes Second


VOICES-On Wednesday, the co-chairs of the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates had a conference call with Deputy Mayor Matt Szabo, to again request that the City release the deal points of the tentative agreement reached between the Coalition of LA City Unions and the negotiators for the City. 

It was pointed out to the Budget Advocates that the City has been working with the unions, and sometimes under tough conditions, including a lawsuit they filed against the City. 

The NCBA Chairs pointed out that, once the tentative agreement reached with union leaders goes out to over 30,000 members for ratification, it should no longer be considered a “working document” but rather an “official public document,” subject to the California Public Records Act. 

The Deputy Mayor agreed to investigate whether or not that was fact. The co-chairs advised Mr. Szabo that before the end of the day, a CPRA would be filed with him and his office. We wanted him to know this in advance so that he did not feel blind-sided. He said that upon receipt he would get a determination from the City Attorney. 

Taking it one step further, the Budget Advocates, have also filed the request with the States Attorney General to be sure all are on the same page. 

So, will the weather be cloudy and overcast, or will sunshine prevail? 

We will wait for the answer from Mr. Szabo and the City.

(Jay Handal is chair of the West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council and Co-Chairs the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates Committee.)






Vol 13 Issue 70

Pub: Aug 28, 2015

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