Thu, Mar

Pacoima: LA’s Dumping Ground, Swap Meet Central


VOICES-Thanks to the lack of City services, Code enforcement, parking enforcement and community policing, Pacoima is not only a dumping ground but also the swap meet of the valley and lately a "for sale" car lot. 

You can drive around everyday and find a yard sale, some places are open for business on a daily basis (home business?); there are those that drive to any corner, unload their cars or trucks and start their sales. 

According to the City, we are allowed to have two yard sales per year and, with a permit, up-to 5 per year; but there are no resources to monitor them and no one to enforce the city ordinance and/or Municipal code. Imagine that! 

Every Council Member has several field representatives, wouldn't it be nice if they could actually drive around Pacoima and report on these things? 

LAPD has Senior-Lead officers that monitor community activities, could they report the daily yard sales, Street vendors or cars for sale? 

With so many resources and service providers in Pacoima, why is it that everyone ignores the third world appearance of Pacoima? 

El Nido was provided with the entire Community Center and now they are hosting "Yard sales" every other week, Why? 

Some service providers in Pacoima get the full support of the elected officials but fail to meet their goals because their next year funding is more important than today's needs.


(Edwin Ramirez is a long time activist and co-publisher of Pacoima Today.)





Vol 13 Issue 67

Pub: Aug 18, 2015

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