Tue, Mar

Is It Really a Golden State or Is It Just One of Those Hollywood Illusions?


JUST THE FACTS-Is Los Angeles really part of a Golden State or is it a place to remember as you move to greener pastures? 

I pose this question following my recent visit to Chicago and other cities east of the Rockies.  My travels to the east coast were part of my reserve LAPD duty.  I was part of the group of LAPD Reserve Officers escorting the Special Olympics Torch across America. (Photo left.) 

My travels brought me close to the business and residential communities of the eastern portion of our United States of America.  Communities where the storefronts did not have roll down window barriers or graffiti plastered on the exterior paint of the buildings.  There were no homeless standing in the streets with a sign asking for donations or trash in the roadways.  There was no razor wire around the buildings or walls or chain-link fences protecting the buildings from vandalism and other criminal activity.  

When driving down residential streets there were young boys mowing the plush green lawns and homeowners relaxing on the front porch.  There were young children playing in front yards without supervision and smiling and waving hello as the cars passed their homes.  There were no fences separating the homes from each other and there was a positive smile on the faces of the residents as they saw the people carrying the Olympic Torch down their well-maintained smooth streets that lacked the usual potholes we find in the Los Angeles region of Southern California.  

From one state to another it was the same scene.  Nice green lawn and mature trees and nice people with friendly smiles. (Photo right.) Did I happen to find a unique place in America?  Not really.  It is just the way it is in other parts of our country.  Happy people making a respectable income and living a quality life without all the congestion and crime and decay we experience in Los Angeles. 

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We stopped at a sporting goods store in Minnesota and began talking with one of the managers.  A very friendly man who once lived in Bakersfield and relocated to the state of Minnesota.  He was in radio broadcasting in Bakersfield and decided it was time to find a better quality of life.  He has not looked back and is just fine and happy working at the sporting goods store and living with his family on a little farm in the country.  Kind of reminded me of that old TV show Mayberry RFD. 

As the Special Olympic Torch continues toward Los Angeles and the opening of the Special Olympic Games on July 25, please remember to show some nice gestures to the 7,000 participants from 170 nations that will be competing in more than 20 sports in our region.  It is a good time to remember our blessings and show a good and friendly side of Los Angeles to our visitors.  

The games will continue thru August 2.  I am sure my next article will refocus on the problems of our city and the lack of response by our elected officials.  Until then, I wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.


(Dennis P.  Zine is a 33 year member of the Los Angeles Police Department and former Vice-Chairman of the Elected Los Angeles City Charter Reform Commission, 12 year member of the Los Angeles City Council and current LAPD Reserve Officer. He writes Just the Facts for CityWatch. You can contact him at [email protected]






Vol 13 Issue 54

Pub: Jul 3, 2015                            

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