Tue, Feb

Peru Village: It Doesn’t Pass the ‘Village’ Test


LATINO PERSPECTIVE-On January of 2013, the City Clerk brought to my Neighborhood Council attention that a group called The Peru Village Initiative was proposing to rename a portion of the historic core neighborhoods (six blocks of Hollywood along Vine Street to Melrose Ave.) that we have long called Hollywood "Peru Village.” An official designation would enhance Vine Street by attracting new businesses and consumers, backers say. 

Los Angeles is a tapestry of towns, composed of the largest population of certain communities outside their respective homeland. According to the city's tourism and convention board LA boasts 11 ethnic enclaves, among them Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Koreatown, and Little Ethiopia. We should all be proud of our city’s diverse enclaves, for this makes LA a fun and a truly global city. 

Since the boundaries of this initiative touched, or were close enough to “Larchmont Village” and since this is the area I represent in the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council, my fellow board members rely on me for guidance and leadership. 

Because I was born in Latin America, I sensed that some of my fellow board members worried that I would side with the writers of the Initiative, but for me it’s not about where I came from or where I grew up.  I’m an American above all, and for me it’s about what’s in the best interests of the residents I represent, my neighborhood, and the city I live in. As an elected representative, I have the duty to protect the history and cultural heritage of Hancock Park, Larchmont Village, and the city I’ve called home for the past 23 years for generations to come from unwarranted changes. 

As we must fight the demolition of historic buildings and landmarks in LA, we must also work to protect the historic integrity and heritage of the names of LA’s historic neighborhoods, as they’ve existed for many decades, and in this case the Historic core of Hollywood.

Unlike Little Tokyo, or Koreatown, the area this group wanted to rename contains no demographics, or supporting data of any kind to connect Peru or Peruvians. There are only three Peruvian restaurants, where is the Peruvian community here? Some have argued. 

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While me must acknowledge the contributions of Peruvian Americans to Los Angeles, the vast majority of organizations and businesses in the area agree that renaming it Peru Village may negatively impact the area's identity, diminishing its historical and financial value. The focus of Hollywood and the marketing of this brand should remain solely on its storied historical connections with the entertainment industry. 

In addition, the Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council voted to support an ordinance protecting the historic core of Hollywood: Franklin to Melrose and Wilton to La Brea, from current and future applications to rename, create sub-districts or sub-designations. At that time other councils around the area were considering supporting this ordinance. 

Fortunately, because of strong opposition from Neighborhood Councils, community leaders, business owners, and concerned citizens “Peru Village” will never reach the LA City Council for a vote.


(Fred Mariscal came to Los Angeles from Mexico City in 1992 to study at the University of Southern California and has been in LA ever since. He is a community leader who serves as Vice Chair of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and sits on the board of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council representing Larchmont Village.  He was a candidate for Los Angeles City Council in District 4. Fred writes Latino Perspective for CityWatch and can be reached at: [email protected]




Vol 13 Issue 41

Pub: May 19, 2015

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