Thu, Mar

Thousands of Homeless Vets in LA: Not New News


VOICES-Here is today's LA Times front page headline story, Homelessness in L.A.  ‘Is Everywhere’, as well as their lead Editorial "When Your Car is Your Home". 

This is not "new" News, but simply underscores and reinforces the compelling message that Rafer Johnson delivered on January 3rd before the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC), and it's that Los Angeles is in a "state of emergency" for homeless Veterans.

Rafer's message was followed up with a corresponding LANCC Motion calling for the City of LA to unify with the VA and open a large-scale Crisis Humanitarian Relief Project on VA land to immediately house and care for thousands upon thousands of disabled homeless Veterans.

That Motion was followed up by a corresponding VA Land Use Permit request filed by Dick Southern, Region 9 Director of Vietnam Veterans of America, to host a long-term "Stand Down" until we can greatly resolve the homeless Veteran crisis.

Please attend Thursday's Town Hall Meeting on "Homeless Veterans" (also attached) and speak out on behalf of our voiceless Veterans and demand emergency shelter on this VA land that was deeded in their behalf.

And join us this Sunday for our 374th consecutive Sunday Rally to "Save Our Veterans Land" and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution! 


(Robert Rosebrock is Director of The Veterans Revolution, Captain of the Old Veterans Guard, and Director of We the Veterans … and a contributor to CityWatch)





Vol 13 Issue 39

Pub: May 12, 2015

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