Mon, Mar

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Other Digestive Issues Beginning to Spiral


WELLNESS-Many people experience irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders like Crones Disease and Colitis. Anyone with these diseases will tell you that they are very difficult, painful, and embarrassing to live with. Depending on the variety of the digestive disease, it may also increase a persons chance of contracting colorectal cancer.  

If you are experiencing serious digestive problems and finding yourself in the bathroom more than 3 or 4 times a day, it may be time to see primary care provider.  A specialist will help to determine what brand of digestive disorder you are dealing with and how to go about treatment. When it comes specifically to digestive disorders, many people have more luck with Acupuncture and Herbs as opposed to the western medical route. That said, using the western route to get a clear diagnosis is a very good idea that I recommend. After you have your diagnosis, using Acupuncture and Herbs may help you resolve your issues naturally and without strong toxic drugs.  

Diet is crucial when it comes to digestive problems, and while there is no magic bullet, there are some foods that could be avoided. The best way to find out if you have an allergy or aversion to certain foods is to eliminate them completely for three weeks. If three weeks goes by and you see no change in your digestion and elimination, chances are good you are not allergic to that food. It’s important to know that even if someone is not technically allergic to a food, that does not necessarily mean that food will help the individual thrive. For example not everyone is gluten intolerant, but eating gluten all day may not be the healthiest choice for anyone. 

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Some common foods that may be best avoided for people with IBS, Crones and Colitits are nuts of all kinds and especially peanuts. Night shade vegetables are also on the list of avoids along with dairy, gluten, and Soy. Keep in mind that if these foods are well tolerated by an individual there may not be a reason to cut them out of your diet entirely, but things like gluten and dairy are best consumed as moderately as possible if at all for everyone including those without digestive problems.   

There is some research indicating a possible link to GMO foods and digestive problems, which is why it is best to use caution when eating these foods.  Until we know more, I choose to avoid them entirely.  Incedentally, so far 64 countries worldwide have labeling laws for when genetically modifies organisms are in the food.  The US has yet to pass that law. 

If you are dealing with any of these challenging disorders, you are not alone. There are millions of people in America and more worldwide that are suffering with IBS and other digestive maladies. Some little known foods and diets that can help tremendously include eating a non food combining diet, doing short fasts, and other lesser known remedies like extra virgin olive oil and others that may help. It’s important that you see your primary care provider and get a proper diagnoses to makes sure that there is not something more serious or life threatening going on.  After that, try Chinese Medicine and Herbs to help you alleviate your symptoms and hopefully put you into remission.     


 (Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 13 Issue 37

Pub: May 6, 2015

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