Sun, Mar

Care for the Homeless: It’s Our Duty


VOICES- (Re CityWatch article Let’s Run the LA Marathon Through Skid Row’) [[ ]] As Christians, we have a duty … a responsibility to take care of our brothers and sisters. They do not have to be related to us in order to do what is something that is a Christian thing to do. 

On the other hand, the government has the responsibility to take care of its veterans. That is not a Christian thing but an ethical thing … a moral thing … a contractual and legally binding thing to do. 

When someone goes into the military of this country, they have to sign a document that they will abide by the rules and regulations in place for each soldier to perform. Less than that, the soldier may be subject to decrease in rank and/or jail.

That document is a legally binding contract. That also means that the government is the other part of the contract that is required to abide by the same rules and regulations as the soldier. That means the government has the fiduciary, legal responsibility to provide whatever aid and assistance is needed for that soldier to return to and resume a normal civilian life following his tour of military service. 

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To not comply with that fiduciary, legal responsibility is to break the contract, an unlawful act on the part of the government. 

Just look at the streets and see the veteran homelessness and you make the call if the government has kept its legal obligation to our patriots. It should be a moral outrage and national shame on this country’s government to see the callous disregard for its veterans. 

Everyone reading this should write a letter to or call their congressmen, city leaders, or anyone else who they think could make a difference and assist getting our veterans off the streets and into their own supportive shelters and allow them to recover in safety and comfort.


(Carlos Zamorano lives in Los Angeles.)





Vol 13 Issue 24

Pub: Mar 20, 2015

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