Sat, Sep

Hey, Beachwood Canyon … Here Come the Out of Towners


HOLLYWOOD SIGN-Beachwood Canyon reopened Monday, offering hikers access to the Hollywood sign. 

City officials said it would take five weeks to install a new electric security gate at the entrance to the Beachwood Canyon trail leading to panoramic views of the Hollywood sign. 

So, hikers and local homeowners felt their rights to the area’s riches – vistas, wildlife and available parking spaces – would soon be secure after the city closed the canyon for construction in March. 

By December, many wondered whether it would ever reopen. “The city assured us ‘the gate will be ready in two weeks’ – for eight months,” said Marian Dodge, president of the Federation of Hillside and Canyon Assns.


Now they have hope. (Read the rest … including hours, rules and more … here






Vol 13 Issue 2

Pub: Jan 2, 2015




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