Sun, Mar

Throw out your long term plan


I was at a party recently and someone asked me what my long term plan was.  After much deliberation, I was stumped! I felt a little foolish that I didn't have one until I realized that living my life every day as honestly as I can, and doing what I believe in -- is long term plan enough. I also thought back on my accomplishments and direction changes in life. Had I locked into a long term plan at a young age, I would have never moved to Europe, never pursued the healing arts, started my own business or many other things I have learned from.  I realize now that living in the moment and in a state of freedom has helped me get to where I am today. If you have a long term plan that's not holding you back, that's great. If, however it is stopping you from your real dreams, think about throwing it out. Life is too short.

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