Wed, Mar

City Rolls Out New Repair Stations with Cyclists – and Vandals – In Mind


SILVER LAKE-City workers today installed self-service, bike repair stations in Eagle Rock, Highland Park and Silver Lake as part of a $17,000 pilot program.  The black metal cylinders bolted to the ground serves not only as a place to mount a bike while it’s being repaired, it also houses a tool kit – including screw drivers and wrenches – and a bike pump.  The tools are attached to the stainless-steel stations – made by a Minnesota company called Dero – with metal cables and what are described as “tamper-proof” fasteners.  But one has to wonder how well these stations will stand up against vandals.  The Department of Transportation’s very own Bike Blog raised and addressed the issue: 

One of the greatest concerns we heard from the last blog post was security. We will be working with the manufacturer to make the toolkit as vandal proof as possible. We also hope that by placing the stations in highly visible spaces in front of businesses that will care for them as a maintenance partner, we will deter theft with eyes on the street … By placing these stations near our bicycle corrals and bicycle friendly businesses, this program will create a Bicycle Friendly environment that will contribute to and enhance the larger community. (Read the rest here)  












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