Mon, Feb

All I Want for Christmas …


NEIGHBORHOODS LA-This has been an almost six-month journey, writing about Neighborhood Councils (NC’s) for CityWatch. It has been at times exhilarating and, at times, frustrating. As I write my last entry for 2013 (unless something unexpected occurs), it’s time to review the NC year. I have received comments ranging from blaming my naiveté for my optimism … to being called too critical.   Pretty much what one would expect from such a diverse readership. 


● On the whole it has been a positive year for NC Land. We have made major strides in community perception and visibility. Fewer people confuse us with Property Owner Associations or Chambers of Commerce. There is a new City Administration that - so far- has treated the NC system with respect and invited its participation and counsel.  

● For the first time, we can see where our City taxes are being spent - thanks to Controller Ron Galperin. Transparency is the first step. Hopefully, elimination of waste, inefficiencies and fraud will follow. 

● Someone is finally at home in the Public Works hierarchy! General Manager Kevin James actually invited the NC’s to appoint a liaison to his Department. We can no longer complain that no one is listening.  

● City Attorney Mike Feuer has re-instated local offices. He believes that you’ve got to be there to know what is going on. I hope that his office becomes a little more flexible when it comes to deciding what the NC’s can or cannot do. Sometimes their legal training errs on the side of caution (or CYA) instead of suggesting how certain things may be changed so they comply with the law. 

And then there is our new Mayor, Eric Garcetti.  It is fashionable to bash the “Chiefs” of anything. I’ve read plenty of critical articles on the pages of CityWatch about what the Mayor is not doing, should be doing etc. etc. etc!  First of all, no human being can solve all of the problems of a City like Los Angeles. Some have been gathering steam for years, while others crop up because of circumstances beyond one person’s control, and some are due to just plain stupidity. 

Personally, I think The Mayor’s first six months in office have been promising. We knew almost immediately that our previous Mayor had a much more personal agenda and seeking a higher office was his pre-occupation. 

Mayor Garcetti’s eight-point “back to basics” program is showing immediate results.  The “Pothole Blitz” is working! Each Neighborhood Council receives two visits annually from Street Services in order to fix potholes.  

Fixing all of our roads and sidewalks is another story.  At least the City Council is calling for suggestions on how to fund this- without just dumping the costs only on property owners. 

● Almost half of the City Council members are new. Their individual Districts will judge how well they are doing. It is incumbent on the Neighborhood Councils to make sure they have a strong partnership with their Council member.  Keep them in the loop; don’t expect miracles but set high expectations from them and their staffs. We can’t expect our elected or appointed officials to solve all of our problems.  We all have a stake in having a great City.  This is why despite my criticism, I do believe that the Neighborhood Council System is one of the best ideas we have in Los Angeles. 

● There are those who want the NC’s to be completely autonomous and not be supervised by a City Agency like EmpowerLA.  Some of the founding members pictured the NC’s to be a “people’s lobby” and to a great extent we are. It’s just that we have 95 plus different neighborhoods with varying challenges and desires. 

● So,  here is my wish list by category for Santa Claus- whether he is white, black, brown or sky blue, republican, democrat, or libertarian. 


I’ve been pretty critical of BONC this past year. BONC needs a makeover if they want to have the influence and respect of the NC community. However, now they have four new Commissioners, and rumor has it a fifth will be joining shortly. President Karen Mack informed me there would be a “retreat” on January 27th to discuss strategic plans, etc.   I plan to be there. Santa, please give them the courage and the inspiration to define their role within the parameters of the LA Charter, and utilize creativity and enthusiasm for their program. May they first create the big picture, and not waste time on duplicating efforts that have already been proven successful by EmpowerLA. 


The eight alliances in the City have missed opportunities. If they join together with a common goal, they would have greater influence both in legislation and procedures. Santa, you might suggest that instead of waiting for the City to conduct its audit of the NC system in 2014, the Alliances come up with their own blue print for the next five years. They might even lend a hand to former Secretary of Commerce, Mickey Cantor who heads up the LA 20/20project. 

Meeting quarterly, dividing an NC strategic plan into separate parts and presenting it as a whole to the LA Neighborhood Congress next year would be a major gift to the City.  There has been some criticism that the Alliances seem to be run by the same people year after year. It’s time to incorporate some new faces and new ideas. 


Elections for Boards of Directors take place in March, April and May. The City Clerk and EmpowerLA are supervising elections. It is our responsibility as NC Board members, to recruit candidates.  Santa, I’ve heard that some NC’s are reluctant to mount a huge recruiting campaign because they want to maintain their Board positions. There are many NC’s who have Board members still serving for ten or more years.   Perhaps whisper in their ears that our Boards should reflect our neighborhoods and neighborhoods do change. Younger generations should be encouraged to participate if the NC system is to remain viable. 

City Hall has faulted us in the past for not getting a great turn out for the vote. That is a little like the pot calling the kettle black. Some City and State offices have had poor turnouts and they can raise money for election expenses. Our election expenses are paid for- from our miserly annual budget.  This year Santa, see if we can double our collective vote. While you are at it, can you sprinkle some happiness dust on many of our NC Board members? Help them realize that our issues are not brain surgery and we can disagree… agreeably. 


It has been a crazy good and bad year for the Agency that supervises the day-to-day operations of the Neighborhood Council System. General Manager, Grayce Liu, was enthusiastically endorsed by the majority of NC’s and re-appointed by Mayor Garcetti. She has an unenviable position, because decisions she makes will not please everyone. Hopefully the union grievances recently filed by some staff at EmpowerLA will be settled amicably and soon. 

There has been great communication and super ideas emanating from Director of Communications and Outreach, Stephen Box and his staff. His enthusiasm for what he does is infectious. 

The new funding and financial systems being put in place are an unmitigated disaster. I realize banks were not lining up wanting to service 95 individual NC accounts, whose total for the fiscal year would be $37,000 each. If the EmpowerLA accounting department, with all of their expertise, continually makes mistakes…how do they expect volunteers to adhere to the new procedures? 

Santa... would you explain to these fine folks that a very small percentage of NC’s either abscond with funds or take their Board to Las Vegas?  Here is our dilemma: $100.00 is allocated in the preliminary budget for refreshments.  Under the new rules even though the budget has been approved, each item must have an invoice and be approved by the Board.  If the refreshments are for an event, which happens before the regular monthly Board meeting...no refreshments.  Doubtful the President would call a special meeting just to approve refreshments.   Even more doubtful that Costco or Ralph’s would issue a pro forma invoice. 

Controller Ron Galperin … help! You have simplified the accounting system for the City how about giving the accounting department at EmpowerLA some help?


So, that is my wish list for Santa Claus. 

Equally important, I want to give you my sincere thanks for your readership and comments. My aim is to insure that the NC system has a place to have dialogue, to vent and reasonably discuss issues. I also want to thank CityWatch Publisher, Ken Draper, for providing such a diverse forum like CityWatch. 

 I sincerely wish all of you in this City of Angels an amazing 2014 and a festive holiday … whatever you might be celebrating!


(Denyse Selesnick is a Board member, Vice Chair of the Outreach Committee and Election Chair for the Tarzana Neighborhood Council.  She is a contributor to CityWatch covering issues and activities in Neighborhood Council Land. She can be reached at [email protected]






Vol 11 Issue 102

Pub: Dec 20, 2013



















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