Wed, Feb

Got Endorsements? Not Impressed!


CERDAFIED - Political endorsements could actually be more of a liability for political candidates than a benefit.

Yet the first thing a candidate does is gather the list of endorsements and peddle them around like they found the Holy Grail. 

As a voter, I look at your list of endorsements and see the “good ole boys club”. It tells me that this person is trying to align themselves with people for whom they will feel obligated. Even before the first ballot is cast, he owes favors. That’s a pretty poor start to making necessary changes. Once alliances are formed, the system claims another soul, who allows the status quo to go unchallenged. 

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, based on telephone interviews with a national sample of 1,000 adults, 18 years of age or older, and living in the continental United States, that were conducted January 5-8, 2012; Endorsements by politically polarized individuals will help you lose more votes than you gain. 

Take for example, George W. Bush. Only 14% of registered voters would most likely vote for someone that Bush endorsed. This is leaving 26% absolutely not voting for his endorsement and the remaining uninfluenced.  With 86% of the voters not impressed why are candidates asking for his endorsement? 

Celebrity endorsements can have a benefit. If people relate to them, see them as informed and intelligent, then it can sway voters to give that candidate a serious look. Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Obama is the perfect example. Because she wasn’t known as a political mouth piece, and she was relatable to the masses, people may have believed that she had real access to the real man, and could vouch for his integrity. You wouldn’t expect Oprah to be lobbying for her special interest and thus gaining form this endorsement. 

If celebrities can sell products, they can sell people! They have huge fan bases to tap into. Using their Twitter and Facebook accounts they can reach out to fans daily. In fact, they help fund raise and drive supporters to make personal donations, because fans want a chance to connect with their favorite celebrities. 

As I looked at the long list of endorsements belonging to Bob Blumenfield, the CD3 candidate for councilman, I knew that the seat he was running for had already been spit polished by the City Hall inhabitants who look forward to business as usual if he is elected. However, I am not. 

So I am not voting for you … 

● Just because you’re female. 

● Or if you get an addition pension that we can’t afford. 

● Or if your win will create a new election and its cost. 

● Or if you contributed the erosion of zoning laws and their protection. 

● Or if you failed to work with your Neighborhood Councils. 

● Or if you were the puppet head, taking credit for other peoples hard work. 

●Or if you’re endorsed by the “good ole boys club”.


Who am I voting for? People I have worked with and know they can get things done …


Mayor – Kevin James


City Attorney – Mike Feuer


Controller – Cary Brazeman


Council 3 – Cary Iaccino


NO – on A


YES –on B


(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA, Tarzana Property Owners Association board member, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.) –cw





Vol 11 Issue 19

Pub: Mar 5, 2013



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