Thu, Feb

Krekorian Wants NC ‘Selections’ in 2012 … Opposes 2014 Delay


NEIGHBORHOODS - Jennifer Solis reported in Tuesday’s CityWatch that LA’s Neighborhood Councils want they’re elections without delay. Here’s what she wrote.

“The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Elections Task Force voted unanimously Saturday afternoon to ask the City Council to “rescind the city ordinance authorizing the City Clerk to administer NC elections.”

“Instead, the panel wants the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE), “in partnership with neighborhood councils, to oversee elections,” and to proceed with them in 2012, as originally scheduled.  The City Clerk, because of severe staff and funding cuts, had announced that the agency could not supervise NC elections until at least 2014.” (Link to rest of report)

It looks like LA’s NCs may get their way. On Wednesday, Councilman Krekorian issued the following:

During a special meeting on Wednesday November, 30 at 3 p.m., the Arts, Parks, & Neighborhoods committee will hear the City Attorney’s draft ordinance to delay neighborhood council elections until 2014 and automatically extend the terms of neighborhood council board members to 2014. In response, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, chairman of the committee, released the following statement:

“I oppose this draft ordinance because it is clearly contrary to the spirit of democracy that our neighborhood councils represent. Extending neighborhood council board member terms until 2014 is unacceptable and it continues to be my goal to find a mechanism that allows residents to have a democratic process to select their representation on their neighborhood councils in 2012. I will work with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, the neighborhood councils, the Mayor's office, the City Clerk and every other interested party to resolve this issue swiftly, transparently and responsibly.”

Stay Tuned. We’ll keep you updated.


Tags: Neighborhood Councils, elections, NCs, neighborhood council elections, Elections Task Force, Paul Krekorian, City Clerk

Vol 9 Issue 92
Pub: Nov 18, 2011

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