Thu, Mar

Goin’ to New Orleans … With Your Help


POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE NEEDS YOUR HELP - In February, 2011, a partnership began between 'PAL '(Police Athletic League - operating out of LAPD's Southeast Station) and I.

Its purpose was to start a 'youth' (1st Grade-8th Grade) track and field team ... to be run out of Locke High School (operated by Green Dot) in Watts. Starting in February, regular practices were held three times a week. Between April 9th and June 4th, open track meets were held at Locke High on consecutive Saturdays. On  average, between 27-33 kids participated in each meet.

Seven athletes emerged from the program possessed with the skills to qualify and compete in the AAU National Jr. Olympics. Those games are going to be held on August 1st – August 6th in New Orleans. Funds are needed to house and transport the kids while they are in New Orleans. There exists a gap of $2750 between what is needed and the money we have raised. My hope is that CityWatch readers will help us bridge this funding gap by making a tax-deductible donation to 'PAL'. No amount is too small.

Our second grade girls will compete in the 4 x 100 relay. There is a sixth grade male athlete who has qualified in the 100, 200, 400, and 800 (talk about hard work). There is a third-grade boy who will throw the shot-put; and another 4th grader who will compete in the 400. One of our second grade girls also qualified to compete in the 400. This will be a great experience for all of our young athletes.

The most important part of this experience for our kids will be their acquisition of a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, the principle that competition is not to be feared, but welcomed; that this kind of a challenge represents an opportunity for each athlete, through work hard, focus, and diligent effort, to maximize his or her potential … physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Our team motto is: 'Doing what you don't want to do that is worthwhile will make you happy'. This is an important message; and our kids (including those who competed during the regular season) have begun to understand and to believe its relevance to their lives. Competing in these Jr. Olympic Games will help cement that understanding and belief.

CityWatch readers … Again, no amount is too small … While the gratitude of the kids for any contribution you can make is boundless.

Can you please help? To expedite processing of your check, please forward all donations, payable to 'Southeast PAL Track & Field”, to: 'Jaguars Youth Track Club c/o Noel Weiss, 13700 Marina Pointe Drive, #922, Marina del Rey, California 90292.  Thanks CityWatch readers. . . We'll keep you all posted on how we do in New Orleans.

(Noel Weiss is an attorney.)   -cw

Vol 9 Issue 59
Pub: July 26, 2011

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